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BSB star is recovering but will Byrne race in 2019?

Shane Byrne faces one of the toughest decisions of his life after a recent CT scan revealed that his neck was only 70% healed.

The BSB superstar was also told that it’s only likely to get another 5% better, but he has been given the green light to start training again. Given that his neck isn’t yet fixed the Londoner now faces a very difficult decision about whether he should race again. And with deals currently being done by top BSB teams, he could be left without too many options if he keeps delaying his decision on whether to make a comeback in 2019.

Byrne said: “The doctors have told me that if I was a normal person with a normal job, they would be overwhelme­d by how well my recovery has gone. But I’m not a normal person with a normal job; I’m a motorcycle racer and with the neck not 100% healed, I need to think very carefully about what I want

‘Unless I can guarantee they will get 100% I won’t bother’ SHANE BYRNE

to do with my future.”

He added: “I could sign a number of deals right now to race in BSB next year but unless I can look a team manager in the eye and hand on heart guarantee them that they will get 100% commitment out of me then I won’t bother.

“I will crash again; that’s a given in this sport. If you don’t crash then you’re simply not trying hard enough and let me assure you that if I do come back I am coming back to give it 110% and fight for another championsh­ip. So I’ll be giving it a lot of thought over the next few weeks and then I go for another scan in February, so we’ll go from there.”

Byrne has won six BSB titles and is the series’ most successful rider ever with 85 wins. He’d dearly love to hit the 100-mark, but is clearly not rushing into a rash decision.

 ??  ?? Shakey’s broken neck has still not yet fully healed
Shakey’s broken neck has still not yet fully healed
 ??  ?? He wore a ‘halo’ brace for two months
He wore a ‘halo’ brace for two months

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