#Ride5000mi­les members won’t let a bit of cold weather stop them piling on more miles

R5K members refuse to pack up just because it’s a bit cold

- By Matt Wildee SENIOR EDITOR

Scores of #ride5000mi­les members have vowed to keep on biking despite the first frosts of the year and a premature appearance of the dreaded gritter. An early cold snap in late October saw the first ice of autumn but many of our most hardy members are keeping going despite the freeze.

One such member is Paul Copp. BMW R1200GS rider Paul made the most of a cold but crisp day to pile on the miles on some of the UK’s best, most scenic roads. “It was cool in both senses today,” he said. “I managed 230 smiles around Glenshee and Deeside. I’m well over the 5000-mile mark now, and I guess I will do less over the winter, but definitely not parking up.”

But it’s not just road riding that’s possible. There are still a few trackdays going on... and they’re cheap enough to make the gamble for good weather worth it. Triumph Street Triple RS rider Carl Ward recently took part in a trackday at Cadwell Park, even catching some air over the Mountain. “It was glorious sunshine. I’ll ride when I can; I’ve had some great rides in October and November.” New rider Brennen Page has decided to keep riding and used our group to canvass opinion and ask for advice. “It’s pretty icy in the mornings, but I’m still riding and need help. How much more extra care do you need to take ? I feel like I’m being too cautious, slow and upright on corners,” he said. It was Lee Parsons who gave the best advice and emphasised that safety, rather than speed, is king. “Just judge it as you go and be extra careful on side roads and in shaded areas. Also, keep in mind the time of day. There’s a much greater risk of ice first thing in the morning.” Dave Archer says that enjoying riding at this time of year comes down to picking your moments and battling through tricky conditions. “I went to Ireland a few weeks back and got caught in storm Callum. I considered stopping but cracked on instead. I was repaid with a couple of days of glorious weather.”

‘It’s pretty icy in the mornings but I’m still riding’

 ??  ?? New rider Brennen Page has been after winter advice
New rider Brennen Page has been after winter advice
 ??  ?? Alex Morrison jumps at any chance to ride
Alex Morrison jumps at any chance to ride
 ??  ?? Carl Ward enjoys some Mountain air
Carl Ward enjoys some Mountain air
 ??  ?? Dave Archer struck lucky after enduring storm Callum
Dave Archer struck lucky after enduring storm Callum

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