Josh Brookes looks to cement his legacy by joining an elite club of triple champions


Josh Brookes continues to set the bar in BSB. Naturally, the reigning champion is the favourite heading into 2021 and it’s certainly hard to bet against the 38-year-old Aussie. Heading into his 12th campaign, Brookes is a twotime champion and four-time runner-up, and he’s showing no signs of slowing down, losing concentrat­ion or any motivation to succeed.

“If you compare it to a music artist; they’ve made a number one track, but they don’t then give up their career,” Brookes explained to MCN. “They want to make another track. It’s what they’ve done their whole lives. They’re artists and they want to continue to make art. I feel like I’m the same. I’ve raced motorbikes my entire life and winning the championsh­ip is like that number one hit. Now I’m starting a new album and I want to continue what I’ve been doing and do well.” Brookes will be extra motivated as there’s a place in the history books waiting for him. If he wins the title, he’ll join Niall Mackenzie and Ryuichi Kiyonari in becoming a threetime BSB champion. Only Shane ‘Shakey’ Byrne has more crowns, with six. Putting his clear natural ability and grit to one side, it’s also experience which falls in Brookes’ favour. Whether you like it or not, experience is the key variable in BSB and that’s why we haven’t seen a new, fresh, younger rider win the crown since Alex Lowes in 2013. It takes time to learn the unique UK circuits, especially Oulton and Cadwell Park, it takes time to learn the controlled tyre and ECU systems, and most importantl­y it takes time to master your racecraft and go bar-to-bar with your rivals in a tight, competitiv­e field. Brookes has done just that. After some tough early seasons, including a few penalties, the PBM rider has mastered his class and is now the head teacher. He’s the most profession­al rider in the paddock, one who comes here to race, and that’s it.

“I don’t see another option. I think the only way is to be like that. Any energy put into outside circumstan­ces is wasted energy because I can’t change how somebody else thinks. I can change how I am and maybe they will think about me differentl­y, but I can’t specifical­ly change how somebody else thinks so it’s pointless to worry about what other people are thinking.” Above all, a key to Brookes’ success is consistenc­y and that’s something the others are going to have to improve if they’re to beat him. Brookes admitted to MCN that he’s now more willing to accept defeat on a bad day for the greater good of his title challenge.

You won’t see Brookes crashing unnecessar­ily. Instead, you’ll see him analyse the situation and come home with the points. His rivals should be under no illusion who they have to beat!

 ??  ?? It’ll be hard for rivals to seize that No1 plate 1ST 2020 FINISH
It’ll be hard for rivals to seize that No1 plate 1ST 2020 FINISH
 ??  ?? Brookes is there for one thing alone: to race
Brookes is there for one thing alone: to race
 ??  ??

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