Playing catch-up

Why is adoption of rotational-injury prevention so slow for road riders?


In extreme sports, such as skiing, cycling, mountain biking and motocross, where athletes know that they will fall off and accept this as an occupation­al hazard, they take the appropriat­e measures to protect themselves.

Triple world motocross champion Tim Gajser a member of the Mips-supported

Honda works team explains: “Injuries are a by-product of competing at the highest level of motocross and I have battled through my fair share throughout my career. But to me, nothing is more important than being meticulous about protecting my head. I give everything I have to win a title and I think my helmet should do the same in the level of protection it provides. Helmets equipped with Mips’ technology give me added peace of mind.” So if riders who know they are going to crash aim to protect themselves against every possible scenario, including rotational brain injuries, is takeup among road riders lower because they don’t expect to have an accident?

A study carried out by the Department for Transport in 2009* interviewe­d more than 1000 riders and they were classified in seven categories. The largest proportion was called ‘Look-at-me enthusiast­s’, accounting for 24.8% of the sample and with an approach to risk described as ‘blasé confidence’. Riders were asked questions regarding kit. Responding to the question: ‘Main factors influencin­g choice other than price’, comfort and good fit were the top two – obviously important factors. But safety features and safety certificat­ion only gained ratings of 20% and 16% respective­ly while younger riders (aged under 24) and moped riders rated looks more important, at 28% and 30%. While these results could be argued to be outdated, they do suggest a theme that road riders seem to either be less aware of risks or less concerned by them. There is an age-old idiom that says one should ‘dress for the crash, not the ride’. While many riders may not adhere fully to that concept, when it comes to protecting your head and brain, that is precisely what the profession­als do. *­ns/ ppr442

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Gajser expects champion level protection
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