‘No wonder he lost it, there was zero tread on the tyre’

Muddy encounter proves costly

- Sean Kelly Owner of Victor Motorcycle­s, Bristol

Tackling mud-strewn Welsh lanes with worn out rubber is a surefire recipe for disaster, as one owner found out to his peril.

His Bonnie was already booked in to get a fresh pair of boots along with a full service from the good people at Victor Motorcycle­s, but before he handed over his pride and joy he thought he could squeeze in just one last ride.

When a slick rear tyre met an even slicker road, the result was far from good. Luckily nothing more than his ego was hurt, but his previously immaculate T120 was now looking rather sorry for itself.

The centrestan­d was bent, clutch lever snapped, bar-end busted, gear lever bent beyond use and worst of all, his lefthand engine case now sported a significan­t scar. Safe to say he was gutted, and after all that, he still needed to fork out for a service and pair of tyres!

Sean Kelly of Victor Motorcycle­s was keen to get his customer back on two wheels. Victor has owned his mechanical haven for 11 years now, with the shop being family run for the past 65.

“When I saw the bike and the state it was in, I thought, ‘no wonder, you’ve got no tread on your tyre’,” he says. “I replaced all the damaged parts, but with the cost of the service and tyres, the guy was hesitant to pay over £200 on top to replace the engine cover.” Instead, they opted for a more economical repair, after the bike had undergone its mechanical refresh, broken parts replaced and tyres swapped, Sean set about flatting back the damage to the case and engine bar and carefully painted them good as new – all for a whole lot less than a replacemen­t.

The Bonnie was in a state after its tyre-induced trauma…
WHAT IT LOOKED LIKE The Bonnie was in a state after its tyre-induced trauma…
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