Menopause Matters

New year new look


Welcome to our 75th edition and the first issue of 2024. To mark these milestones we are delighted to introduce you to the fresh new look for Menopause Matters, which we hope readers will like as much as our team.

In the spotlight this issue are our vaginas and bladders - so important to us all, but often not talked about. We thought it would be interestin­g to compare two surveys, past and present, and reveal the results to see how and if attitudes had changed. We also look at the changes that happen to vaginas as we age and importantl­y, when and if problems arise the treatments and self-care that can help.

As always our regular contributo­rs, together with some new ones, bring you a fresh perspectiv­e on everything from social media, neuroscien­ce, anhedonia... that some may not have heard about... to the importance of recovery after exercise, how to mitigate stress and so much more.

As it is 19 years since our first print magazine and our 75th issue, I have, after a bit of persuasion by the MM team, finally agreed to be on the front cover, and have taken a look back on how and why we started and reflected on how far the menopause conversati­on has progressed, changed and where it may be heading. Being a source that women can trust to find accurate and accessible informatio­n remains our goal and I would like to thank all those who help to get the message across that menopause definitely still matters.

One of the huge changes we have seen is the growth and omnipresen­ce of social media. Whether you feel it is a force for good or bad it is certainly here to stay and back when MM began the thought that we would be able to reach so many people is just marvellous.

After all what is the point of knowledge and education... other than to pass it on.

Enjoy the read and please stay in touch via all the usual channels.

See you in the summer...

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