Men's Fitness



Miller takes fat loss seriously, doing mammoth sessions at high intensity using calorie-torching giant sets. Here are the three moves he regularly incorporat­es to build his abs muscles and torch fat, giving

the kind of lean, ripped look that puts him on magazine covers.


Stand with your feet just wider than shoulder-width apart, resting the bar on the back of your shoulders. With your chest up and core braced, squat down until your thighs are at least parallel to the floor. Drive back up through your heels to stand. Miller says ‘No other exercise requires as much physical and mental concentrat­ion. The use of so many supporting muscle groups as well as the legs makes this the perfect exercise for fat loss. Make sure you go deep, keeping form strict.’


In a shallow squat, hold the bar with a shoulder-width grip and your arms straight. Keeping your chest up and your back straight, drive down through your heels to pull the bar up your body and push your hips forwards to stand tall. Miller says ‘Doing low reps with more weight will burn lots of calories after your workout.’


Take a big step forwards, keeping your back upright and your front knee in line with your front foot. Lower until your back knee is just off the floor, then drive through the heel of your front foot to return to the start. Repeat on the other leg. Miller says ‘Not only great for building muscle, but the aerobic aspect of this exercise means it’s also ideal for burning fat.’

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