Men's Fitness

Torch fat in just 20 mins!

Grab a barbell for some fast whole-body gains with this simple workout


Reclaim your lunchtime workout and get into the best shape of your life!

If you want to lose fat, pick up a barbell. If you want to add muscle, pick up a barbell. And if you want to get stronger… well, you get the idea. The versatile gym staple should be your go-to item of kit, whatever your goal, because it is so effective at getting results. And if you really want to ignite the fat burn effect, try this barbell circuit from MF expert Tom Eastham (@EasthamsFi­tness).

“To increase fat loss you need to achieve a faster metabolic rate and you can do that by working for longer periods without rest,” says Eastham. “Think of a 30-rep circuit versus a 12-rep set. Because of the lack of rest, each round becomes more challengin­g. Throw in the additional load from the barbell and you have a huge fat-burning potential from these loaded compound movements.”

How to do the workout

Do six reps of each move without putting the bar down to complete one set. Rest for two minutes between sets. Choose a load that allows you to complete the reps fairly comfortabl­y for your weakest lift, which, in this case, will probably be the overhead press. Complete six sets in total.

1 Romanian deadlift

Reps 6 Stand tall with your feet shoulderwi­dth apart, holding a barbell with an overhand grip just outside your thighs. Keeping a slight bend in your knees, bend forwards from the hips – not the waist – and lower the bar down the front of your shins until you feel a good stretch in your hamstrings. Reverse the move back to the start by pushing your hips forwards.

2 Bent-over row

Reps 6

Hold the bar with a shoulder-width grip, bending your knees slightly. Bend at the hips until your torso is at a roughly 45˚ angle to the floor. Pull the bar up to touch your sternum and then lower under control. If you’re moving your upper body to shift the bar, the weight’s too heavy.

3 Hang clean

Reps 6

Stand holding the bar with a shoulder-width grip in front of your thighs. Bend your knees, then drive through your heels to explode upwards, using the momentum to help pull the bar up to chest height as you lower into a squat. Catch it on your front shoulders, pause for a second, and then stand up lower the bar back to the start position.

4 Front squat

Reps 6

Rest the bar on the front of your shoulders with your palms facing upwards and your elbows high. Squat down, keeping your chest up, then drive up through your heels to stand.

5 Overhead press

Reps 6

With your feet shoulder-width apart, position a bar on your upper chest, gripping it with hands just wider than shoulder-width apart. Brace your abs, glutes and quads as you press the bar straight upwards. Pause at the top, then lower. You might find you can lift more weight by wrapping your thumbs around the same side as your fingers, to keep your forearms in a more favourable position.

 ??  ?? EXPERT TIP “Every guy wants big arms and a strong core, and this exercise will help you towards both those goals,” says Eastham. “Stabilisin­g yourself for the row will pay off in the long run for your core.”
EXPERT TIP “Every guy wants big arms and a strong core, and this exercise will help you towards both those goals,” says Eastham. “Stabilisin­g yourself for the row will pay off in the long run for your core.”
 ??  ?? EXPERT TIP “Olympic lifting improves power and explosiven­ess, and the clean is the easiest Olympic lift to learn. By putting it in complexes or circuits, you’ll get better faster.”
EXPERT TIP “Olympic lifting improves power and explosiven­ess, and the clean is the easiest Olympic lift to learn. By putting it in complexes or circuits, you’ll get better faster.”
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 ??  ?? EXPERT TIP “This move will maximise your upperbody strength by demanding increased thoracic muscle stability while building a strong core and boulder shoulders.”
EXPERT TIP “This move will maximise your upperbody strength by demanding increased thoracic muscle stability while building a strong core and boulder shoulders.”
 ??  ?? EXPERT TIP “This is far more accessible than its more popular big brother the back squat. It will also help your clean, because both lifts demand the same mobility. Not quite there yet? Cross your arms and grip the bar from the top to save your wrists.”
EXPERT TIP “This is far more accessible than its more popular big brother the back squat. It will also help your clean, because both lifts demand the same mobility. Not quite there yet? Cross your arms and grip the bar from the top to save your wrists.”
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