Men's Fitness




It might seem contradict­ory, but the key to realising your running potential is running easy for the majority of your runs. ‘Easy’ running is how you develop your body’s aerobic capacity: how efficientl­y your body can deliver oxygen to your working muscles. “Aerobic developmen­t is the single most important factor to long-term developmen­t in running,” says Runners Connect coach Jeff Gaudette. He points out that in order for you to develop this crucial system, you need to run at a pace that falls within your aerobic zone. The easiest way to determine this ideal pace is to simply run at a ‘conversati­onal pace’, where you can speak without shortness of breath.


Using running apps, such as Strava and MapMyRun, are great for keeping a record of your running, but running journals can offer so much more than that. Taking note of your resting heart rate each morning, how you slept the night before, what you ate before a run and what your training was like the previous day can help identify trends. Seeing these patterns lets you realise what works and what doesn’t, facilitati­ng improvemen­ts and preventing injury.


this seven-move session Beachbody On Demand

You should be in a low squat, holding both dumbbells over your shoulders.

In a continuous movement, stand up and perform an overhead press.

Return to the squat position, placing the dumbbells shoulder-width apart again on the floor, jumping both feet back into the modified press-up position in which you started.

Stand tall with your feet hip-width and parallel, holding a set of dumbbells by your sides.

Step your right leg in front of your left and far enough so you can bend both knees to 90 degrees.

Keep your weight in the heel of your right foot.

Step your right leg back to the starting position.

Now step your left leg behind your right leg, stepping far enough so you can bend both knees to 90 degrees.

Step your left leg back to the starting position and repeat.

Stand tall with feet under hips. Crouch to the ground and walk your hands forwards into high plank.

Drive your knees to your chest. Alternate legs and move as fast as you can with good form.

Complete 10 knee drives on each leg (20 reps in total) before walking your hands back towards your feet, coming up to a low squat and standing back up.


Hold dumbbells at shoulder height. Lower into a squat.

Stand up with power, while driving the weights overhead.

In the overhead position, your core and glutes should squeeze and biceps should be by your ears.

Return the weights to your shoulders and move into the next rep.

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