Men's Fitness

Plant Power

How to make the most of meat-free cooking


Asports nutritioni­st to world-class plant-based athletes, Waterfall’s The Plant-Based Power Plan shows you how a meat-free diet can be the not-so-secret tool you need to improve both health and performanc­e. The book breaks down the strategies he uses with Premier League footballer­s, profession­al rugby players, Team GB Olympians and endurance athletes, into easy but comprehens­ive guidance for anyone looking to get the most out of their plant-based approach. Expect science-backed myth-busting, proven tips to help you excel in your sport or training, and a selection of 30 quick and easy plant-based recipes to show you how simple it is to incorporat­e the most important nutrients into must-try meals.


Veganism has been shown to promote longevity and protect against all manner of diseases, including cancer and dementia. In this extract from The Plant-Based Power Plan, TJ Waterfall offers a few reasons why.

If you don’t eat meat or animal products, you need to replace these calories with other foods, and often these are whole plant foods. For example, an omnivore might have chicken with their Sunday roast, whereas a vegan would typically replace it with a nut roast made with pulses, vegetables and nuts.

Of course, not all vegans eat more plants, but on average vegans do eat significan­tly more of these whole plant foods and have healthier dietary quality scores.

Why is this important? Well, let’s look at the biological pathways by which eating more plant foods like vegetables, whole grains, pulses, nuts and seeds can dramatical­ly improve health.


The body can generate its own antioxidan­ts as part of its free radical defence programme [free radicals are unstable atoms that, left unchecked, can cause serious harm], but some must also come from the diet – for example beta-carotene and vitamins C and E.

There are some antioxidan­ts in meat and animal products, but a comprehens­ive review of the antioxidan­t properties of over 3,000 foods worldwide showed that plant foods have an average of 64 times the antioxidan­t properties of animal-based foods. Therefore, the higher antioxidan­t intake when eating more whole plant foods can help prevent oxidative stress, and is one of the pathways by which eating more plants can provide such a profound protective effect against so many major diseases.


The gut microbiome [the huge array of microorgan­isms that live in your gut] is so important it’s often referred to as the ‘forgotten organ’. Studies show that vegans tend to have a reduced abundance of pathogenic (‘bad’) bacteria and a greater abundance of protective species. This is mostly down to the increased fibre intake of a typical vegan diet. Fibres are the primary energy source for most of our healthy gut microbes, so intake can directly benefit those ‘good’ bacterial species. Many good bacteria species also ferment certain fibres, and in the process produce short chain fatty acids (SCFAs). SCFAs lower the pH of the gut, which in itself inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria and increases the absorption of some nutrients. They’ve also been shown to keep the cells lining the colon healthy, reducing the risk of colon cancer through several mechanisms.


Weight gain is too often oversimpli­fied, when in fact it’s a hugely complex issue. Genetics play an integral role in people’s appetites, and therefore weight. Also, the world around us influences our ability to maintain a healthy weight…[with] the constant bombardmen­t of advertisin­g and cheap pricing of fast food, sugary snacks and drinks.

But while traditiona­l weight-loss diets simply don’t work in the long run, plant-based diets have been shown to both help prevent weight gain in the first place, and improve weight reduction in overweight population­s.

A meta-analysis comparing plant-based diets with other approaches such as the Atkins diet and even the American Diabetics Associatio­n recommende­d diet showed significan­t weight reduction in vegetarian and vegan diets. There’s a whole host of reasons why. These range from psychologi­cal factors such as motivation and adherence (vegan diets tend to be long-term lifestyle choices rather than shortlived weight-loss attempts), to biological factors such as the fibre content and nutrient/calorie density of plant foods.

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