Men's Fitness

Cycling Workout

Develop cycling-ready strength and core stability with this six-move circuit


Build bike-ready strength and power

“This workout will prepare you for the physical demands of tackling hill climbs, whether you’re riding for fun or competitio­n,” explains Joe Hewitt, S&C coach for the English Institute of Sport. The first three moves will help to build lower-body strength and power to generate force on the pedals – especially important when fighting gravity on hills. The latter three moves will develop your core and upper-body stability, so you can hold yourself out of the saddle for the steepest climbs. These exercises also focus on the muscles that cross the knee and hip – the primary joints that are stressed when cycling – to reduce the risk of injury.”


Complete 3 rounds in total.

Rest for 30-45 secs between exercises. Rest for 2 mins between rounds.


BEGINNER: 15-20 reps (light weight) INTERMEDIA­TE: 10-15 reps (medium weight) ADVANCED: 6-12 reps (heavy weight)

Stand over a kettlebell.

Hinge at the hips and pick it up with straight arms, then straighten up, driving your hips forward.

Lower the kettlebell to touch the floor, then drive up again.


BEGINNER: 15-20 reps (light weight/bodyweight) INTERMEDIA­TE: 10-15 reps (medium weight)

ADVANCED: 6-12 reps (heavy weight)

Hold a kettlebell in front of your chest with both hands, keeping your elbows close to your body.

Keeping your chest up, take a big step to one side and bend your leading leg to lower into a lunge.

Drive back up powerfully to return to the middle, then repeat on the other side to complete one rep.


BEGINNER: 15-20 reps (light weight) INTERMEDIA­TE: 10-15 reps (medium weight) ADVANCED: 6-12 reps (heavy weight) Hold dumbbells by your sides and elevate one foot on a bench behind you. Bend your front leg to lower, keeping your chest up and front knee in line with your toes.

Pause for a count, then drive back up through the heel of your front foot.


BEGINNER: 5-10 reps

INTERMEDIA­TE: 10-15 reps

ADVANCED: 15-20 reps

Hold the handles and hang so your body forms a straight line, with your heels on the floor, your hips up and your core braced.

Squeeze your shoulder blades together and pull yourself up, drawing your hands towards your armpits.

Pause, then slowly lower.


BEGINNER: 5-10 reps INTERMEDIA­TE: 10-15 reps ADVANCED: 15-20 reps Lie on your back with your heels together on a gym ball. Squeeze your glutes and raise your hips, so your weight is on your upper back and shoulders.

Keeping your hips raised, bend your legs to 90 degrees so the gym ball rolls towards you, pause, then roll the ball out so your legs are straight.

Keep your arms by your sides on the floor for balance, or hold them across your chest so your core has to work harder to maintain balance.


BEGINNER: 5-10 reps INTERMEDIA­TE: 10-15 reps ADVANCED: 15-20 reps

Start in the top of a press-up position, with feet in the TRX handles.

Keeping hands on the ground and shoulders strong, bring one leg forward to bring your knee towards your elbow.

Repeat on the other side to complete one rep.

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