Men's Fitness

Backpack Workout

Load up your backpack or bergen and prepare for a full-body assault with this two-week ‘tactical training’ programme from serving soldier

- Farren Morgan

Tackle this weighted-bag blast from serving soldier Farren Morgan

This plan is taken from Farren Morgan’s ‘Tactical Athlete’ series. Morgan is a serving soldier in the British Military, passionate about helping people reach a state of physical and mental “robustness” through a considered approach to fitness. During this two-week programme, as similar movement patterns show up and repetition­s decrease, the load should increase. As a general rule, if you’re well-conditione­d and used to strength training, 12kg should be your starting pack weight, while less experience­d lifters should start with 5kg. How much load you can increase will vary from person to person, but the goal with weekly progressio­ns of similar patterns is to allow you a chance to progress in load and movement quality. Finally, remember that even with bodyweight or a small load, keeping to a strict tempo and activating the correct muscles will provide a fantastic stimulus with a good amount of time under tension – it’s better to be conservati­ve and prioritise quality of movement rather than overload and have your form su†er.

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