Men's Fitness



Ramblers Cymru president Will Renwick (@willwalksw­ales) explains how to be a happy wild camper

Pitch up: aim for upland terrain that isn’t enclosed by fencing or walls, and that’s out of sight from nearby houses or roads. Pitch late and leave early.

Cover up: it’s common for conditions to calm suddenly just before sunset. So before settling down in a spot that’s exposed, be mindful that the wind might return or even worsen in the night. Clean up: it’s important to leave a place as you found it. That said, if there was man-made litter at your camp when you got there, try to leave the place tidier! Drink up: the best way to lighten your load? Carry a portable water filter with you. A good one, such as the Katadyn BeFree, will allow you to safely quench your thirst using rivers, lakes, even puddles.

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