Men's Fitness



- Isaac Williams, Editor

New Year, New You!’ Or words to that effect, tend to headline our first issue of the year. However, to give you a brief glimpse behind the curtain, the nature of print magazines means I’m writing this in early December, for our January issue, which goes on sale on Christmas Eve. I hope you’ll forgive me, then, for lacking some of that fresh-slate enthusiasm. But beyond that basic logistical point, it’s also a sentiment I’m increasing­ly averse to.

Of course, most of us feel compelled to detox away at least some of the booze and beige food by the time January comes around, but the idea of ripping everything up – changing who you are – flies in the face of every message this magazine has pushed recently. Try to better yourself, yes, but also embrace who you are, play to your individual strengths and, crucially, don’t get hung up on festive excesses. After all, guilt is a weak motivator. If you really want to become fitter, stronger, generally healthier or happier in 2022, you need a more positive purpose. So take the Christmas hit – it’s the least you deserve after the past two years – and move on with positive proactivit­y.

How? Our lead feature would be a good place to start, which outlines 20 science-backed strategies for getting in the shape of your life. And to be your best, it will do you no harm to train like the best, which is why on page 36 we reveal the power and strengthtr­aining secrets of one of the most successful and iconic sports teams on the planet: the New Zealand All Blacks.

Elsewhere, The Movement Blueprint’s Harvey Lawton explains how to turn those extra Christmas calories to your performanc­e-boosting advantage (p96); Farm Fitness founder Tom Kemp has some ideas to help you find cardio if not enjoyable, then at least less dull (p94); and we’re bringing the inspiratio­n with ten badass female athletes who are redefining their respective sports.

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