Men's Fitness



01. Take positive steps

Let your sons and those in your charge learn from your positive words and actions. Elevate women and initiate positive conversati­ons about them from women in politics, the news or sports.

02. Break boundaries

Share domestic chores and roles at home so your children witness equality in action. Encourage and show your support for girls and boys to engage in sports and activities on an equal footing.

03. Talk the talk

Don’t be afraid to talk about women’s safety and consent with your child in an age-appropriat­e way. Use news stories as a jump-off point to have discussion­s about respect.

04. Learn a lesson

Use parents’ evening to ask your child’s school about the informatio­n they use to discuss sexual consent and harmful gender stereotype­s.

05. Call it out

Talk to the males in your charge about recognisin­g how the sharing of intimate images without consent is part of a continuum of violence against women and girls.

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