Men's Fitness

Vala Energy Gel

£23.65 for 10,


A real-food alternativ­e to maltodextr­inbased gels, Vala’s gut-friendly, all-natural energy gels are made from just five ingredient­s, including maple syrup, date paste, Welsh salt, lemon and lime juice, and chia seeds. A paste more than a gel, the consistenc­y is very different. You can use them during higher intensity efforts, but arguably they suit slower, longer endurance efforts better than all-out racing – where you can consume them a little more leisurely.

They’re also very sweet. With some gels you need water to wash down the gloop and rinse your mouth, but with Vala, it’s more to take the edge off the sweetness. I’ve used Vala gels for marathons, ultras, hikes and rides, and I found them a bit overpoweri­ng when I tried to hit that 60g carbs per hour. For me, they’re at their best as part of a mix of gels. The taste and texture are a really nice gear shift and I save these for when I want my refuelling to feel more like a treat.

Because provided you like dates, you actually look forward to eating these. With 24g carbs in each portable 35g pack, you get a decent hit of even energy. They’re as good spread on toast and mixed in porridge for a pre-workout energy boost as they are gobbled neat. How many energy gels can you say that about? The packs are robust and on the smaller side. So they’re perfectly compact and stashable, and it’s easy to fit two to three hours’ worth in pockets or belts.

The rip-top opening can be a bit of a struggle. I sometimes found it came off without leaving a wide enough opening and I ended up squeezing paste through the tiniest hole. But if you’ve been hunting for an alternativ­e to fake-flavour gels, then these are worth a try in training. Taste: ★★★★ Energy: ★★★★ Portabilit­y: ★★★★★ OVERALL: ★★★★

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