Men's Fitness


Grab a pair of dumbbells and tackle this two-part workout


“This is one of my go-to workouts, because it’s target-driven,” says Digme Fitness trainer Ben Davie. “I love working with a rep or time goal – it makes the time fly by and before you know it you’ve got a good 30 minutes of strength and conditioni­ng work in.”

PART 1: 20-minute EMOM Odd minutes:

• Single-arm swing x 10 • Burpee x 5

Even minutes:

• Dumbbell snatch x 10

PART 2: 10-minute AMRAP

• Suitcase deadlift (right arm) x 10

• Single-arm swing (right arm) x 10

• Snatch (right arm) x 10

• Suitcase deadlift (left arm) x 10

• Single-arm swing (left arm) x 10

• Snatch (left arm) x 10


Stand with feet slightly wider than shoulderwi­dth apart. Hinge at the hips and lean forwards to grab the dumbbell. Retract your shoulders and swing the dumbbell downwards, keeping it close to your body. ‘Snap’ your hips forwards by forcefully squeezing your glutes and lifting your chest. This movement targets your posterior chain, which can often be neglected.


Stand up tall with feet hip-width apart. The dumbbell should start between your legs. Bend – initiated through the knees – to grab the dumbbell. Rise through your hips and shoulders at the same time, then extend rapidly through your hips to take the dumbbell overhead. Keep your core muscles strong and stable as the weight goes above your head to help stabilise the load.


Stand with the dumbbell in one hand only, to the outside of your body. Bend forwards and set yourself in the same position as a normal deadlift: back straight, chest proud and shoulders retracted. Keep everything strong and stable, with a neutral spine, and aim to maintain symmetry. Having the weight on one side of the body will target your obliques, as well as your lower back.

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