Men's Fitness


This off-the-bike workout from endurance coach Steve Whittle will help to boost your performanc­e on it


BULGARIAN SPLIT SQUAT Sets 5 Reps 15-20 each side

How Standing tall, place one foot on a step behind you, instep down. Bend your front leg to lower your body, keeping your chest up and front knee over your toes. Drive back through your front foot to stand.

Why To strengthen and stabilise your glutes and hamstrings, which are crucial muscles for cycling. BIRD DOG Sets 5 Reps 10-15 each side

How Kneel on the floor on your hands and knees with your face down and hands directly beneath your shoulders. Straighten and lift your left leg and right arm simultaneo­usly, then lower under control and repeat with the opposite limbs.

Why It’ll build a strong core, improving posture on the bike, increasing pedal e…ciency and power transfer. LUNGE WITH ARM RAISE Sets 5 Reps 15-20 each side

How Standing tall with your core braced and your arms by your sides, take a big step forward and lunge down until both knees are bent at 90 degrees, while simultaneo­usly bringing your arms forwards and upwards directly above your head. Push oˆ from your front foot to return to the start position while lowering your hands, then repeat on the other leg.

Why Spending hours on a bike can lead to a tight chest, back and shoulders. This stretch will lengthen and loosen them.

WALKING PLANK Sets 3 Reps 10

How From the top of a press-up position, lower into a plank position one arm at a time, keeping your body straight, then reverse the move to the start to complete one rep.

Why It will help to strengthen your core and shoulders. DOOR FRAME STRETCH Sets 2 Time 40sec

How Gripping either side of a door frame, carefully lower and lean your upper body forward till you feel a stretch in your pecs. After you’ve finished, rest for 20 seconds and repeat.

Why It’s a great posture-corrector to help counteract all the time you spend hunched over a pair of handlebars.

 ?? ?? APRIL 2024
APRIL 2024

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