Men's Health (UK)


The effects of summer drinking can stack up, but the right Us-style breakfast will sweeten the deal for your liver


Banish the morning-after blues with a stack of booze-killing pancakes. Pass the syrup

While enjoying a little too much weekend sun will quickly leave its mark (the flip-flop lines are a giveaway) the effects of the accompanyi­ng luke-warm ciders are more insidious. Regularly overdoing it on the booze swaddles your liver in fat, increasing your risk of symptomles­s liver disease.

But this is hardly the season for hardcore detoxing. Quite the opposite, in fact – research presented by the American Chemical Society suggests you fight back with further indulgence. It seems a ‘special relationsh­ip’ with breakfast can temper the damage done during those long summer nights. Authentic maple syrup (as opposed to imitation sauces) is oozing with 54 different antioxidan­ts, five of which are unique to maple. These were shown to curb the chronic inflammati­on that leads to liver disease, as well as supporting immune function. Drizzling a spoonful over your protein pancakes also serves up simple carbs that quickly convert into energy, fixing the low blood glucose that makes hangovers so hellish.

Admittedly, supersized Stateside cuisine isn’t known for its health leanings. But in this instance, it seems their sticky fingers are on the pulse. Consider yesterday’s excess trumped.

Take a deep breath and brace your core. Keeping your back straight, slowly begin to hinge at your hip and push your glutes back. Your back will naturally want to round – but don’t let it. Form is key if you want your abs to pop.

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