Men's Health (UK)


Five Guys, 1-3 Long Acre, Covent Garden, London



Oozing with brain-guarding ingredient­s, Five Guys’ cheeseburg­er will help you find the same positive mental attitude as its founder, stock trader Jerry Murrell, who gave up his career to form the company after reading a motivation­al quote in a magazine. It might not sound like smart business acumen, but by crafting a patty that puts your mind first, Murrell succeeded in his investment.

Eating 65-100g of lean red meat up to four times a week can halve your risk of depression, Deakin University found. So, with these patties containing 80% beef to 20% fat, it’s one happy meal. Even better, in the UK, Five Guys’ beef is from 120-day grain-finished Irish cows – a criteria met by just 1% of British beef.

Elsewhere in the kitchen, the buns are made with free-range eggs, boasting twice the depression- and dementiafi­ghting omega-3 as caged ones. Plus, fries twice-fried in cholestero­l-free peanut oil offer up an extra order of heart-protecting vitamin E. With recent evidence suggesting heart health is directly linked to mental fortitude, you’ll struggle to wipe the smile off your face.

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