Men's Health (UK)

Uncommon Markets


Over half of the UK’S food is grown abroad, which means much of what we eat is out of season. Your local food market holds the solution. With a range of deep-rooted health benefits, these picks from nutritioni­st Daniel O’shaughness­y ( will sow the seeds of a smarter diet 01\ Jerusalem artichoke Though neither an artichoke nor native to Jerusalem, this tuber (prevalent from October to February) is an under-the-radar superfood. “They’re full of prebiotics,” says O’shaughness­y. “The good bacteria in your gut feed off these to grow.” Roast your ’choke with lemon to bolster any Sunday joint. £4.95 per kg finefood


Galangal It might look like ginger, but this root has a piney palate. As well as curbing inflammati­on, it’s also known to reduce your risk of certain cancers. In Southeast Asia, it’s often served grated in curries, but if that sounds like too much prep, combine it with lemongrass and turmeric for an anti-cancer brew. £ 1.49 for 50g healthy


Bitter melon Available from summer into early autumn, this stir-fry staple is a versatile addition to your pantry. Better still, it contains more muscle functionen­hancing potassium than a banana. But it earns its moniker; remember to parboil before cooking to make its medicine easier to swallow. £8.99 for 400g thaifoodon­


Purple yam Instagramm­ers are serving purple yam in everything from cannolis to cakes, but its effects on your health can be just as likeable. Researcher­s have linked the Japanese tuber’s antioxidan­ts to longevity. Mash it with coconut milk and cinnamon for a colourful carb. £ 2.99 for four


Romanesco Half vegetable, half optical illusion (its buds form ‘ fractals’ or repeating spirals) the romanesco’s nutritiona­l appeal is neverthele­ss easy to understand. Similar to your common or garden brassica, the veg is packed with iron for energy and vit K for diseasepro­ofing. Look for bright green florets, then steam and dunk in ice water to preserve goodness. £2.50 for two

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