Men's Health (UK)

The Inner City Foraging Guide


Your nomadic ancestors ranged far and wide in search of survival, but with a little bit of ancient insight, you needn’t take to the wildlands north of the M25 to hunt down dinner. John Rensten, forager and author of The Edible City, explains how 01\ Nettle result Stinging nettles are good for more than just painfully reliving your childhood memories. When heated, the formic acid-filled barbs shrivel up and the leaves become a sting-free treat. Look for young, green stalks and pick from the middle. Boil for tea, or fry the leaves whole in tempura batter for a dose of heart-protecting quercetin. Find it “Parks, dog-walking routes and back gardens”

02\ In your corner If you can smell garlic, it’s probably three-cornered leek, says Rensten. Look for its white flowers in park plant borders from November to January. The sulphurous compounds that give it its smell also lower cholestero­l. Double-down by blitzing into pesto with heart healthy olive oil. Find it “It loves to grow in community gardens, and especially old church yards” 03\ Shell out If you can beat the squirrels, hazelnuts are packed with healthy fats, which boost brain function. Pick the nuts when they’re still a bit green; you can identify a hazel bush by its bright, almost-round leaves. They’re best picked this month. Find it “Most city parks and woodlands. Start with Hampstead Heath” 04\ The roar diet To the forager, dandelions are no weed – at least part of the plant offers something all year, says Rensten. In autumn and winter, the roots boast antioxidan­ts that soothe circulator­y issues; in spring and summer, the leaves are full of nutrients that cut your risk of cardiovasc­ular disease. Drink the former in tea and stir the latter into soups and stews, in place of your usual greens. Find it “Absolutely everywhere, including your back garden”

05\ King of thorns Consider this your pluckable statin. Hawthorn has been linked to a reduction in heart disease risk. The red berries appear on the trees that ring Highbury Fields. Look for leaves with points like an arrow’s feathers. Find it “On the edge of city woodlands”

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