Men's Health (UK)

Marvel’s god of thunder,

The box-office smashing Norse deity is striking thrice with a new Thor film out this month. But under that mighty exterior, Chris Hemsworth is a Hollywood star of rare courtesy and straightfo­rward humility. MH sat down with the most powerful god in cinema

- Words by Jamie Millar – Portraits by Patrik Giardino – Styling by Eric Down

the new face of Boss Bottled and a very good bloke. Find out how Chris Hemsworth stays strong amid the storm

Chris Hemsworth is a man of today. Quite literally. He has just been unveiled to a phalanx of journalist­s and PRS as global ambassador for the Boss Bottled fragrance and face of the brand’s Man of Today advertisin­g campaign, following in the fragrant footsteps of Gerard Butler and Ryan Reynolds. But they were yesterday’s Men of Today. Hemsworth is the new star in the aromatic ascendance, currently holding court at Hugo Boss HQ in Metzingen, Germany. Amid fanfare a video is played, in which Hemsworth suits up, sups espresso and smells good. “Success without integrity means nothing,” he proclaims via voiceover.

The digs of the Teutonic fashion haus are as slick as you might well expect: all grey concrete and slick, monochroma­tic tailoring. After the ad premieres, Hemsworth strides into the room, tall, tanned and hypertroph­ied; like a sun god surrounded by scrawny, wheyfaced worshipper­s, his radiant glow amplified by the brilliant white shirt straining to contain his physique. Even without the aid of a microphone, his voice booms like thunder. He is, by any objective standard, a big man.

Of course, words such as “integrity” have to be taken with a hefty pinch of Maldon when they’re bandied about by big brands. Neverthele­ss, there is an unquestion­able realness to Hemsworth beyond the comic-book proportion­s – no special effects, no padded costumes, no flattering camera angles required. He’s the kind of guy who will shake your hand firmly and ask you with convincing sincerity if you’ve met before, even though the chance of him rememberin­g your previous interview is minimal (unless memory happens to be another one of his superpower­s). In short, he’s the sort of down-to-earth, bluff Aussie who it’s hard to imagine having anything resembling a ‘grooming regime’.

“Well, my wife has been telling me to take care of my skin for years,” admits the other half of Fast & Furious actress Elsa Pataky, with whom he has three young children. “I spend a lot of time in the sun and in the ocean surfing, which certainly gives my face a beating. So as she continues to look younger and I start to look older, I’m like, ‘Maybe she’s got a point…’” The 34-year- old, who evidently protests too much, has since acceded to his spouse’s repeated offers of her La Mer moisturise­r: “It seems to help.”

Divine Interventi­on

Clearly, it does. Last year, a breathless Vanity Fair cover interview declared Chris Hemsworth to be the best-looking of his actor peers, rhapsodisi­ng over his sapphire eyes. (To be fair, they are dreamy.) A couple of years before that, he was elected People magazine’s Sexiest Man Alive. “I mean, you’ve got to laugh at it, don’t you?” he laughs, rather proving his point. “It’s like, ‘Oh, thank you.’ Chuffed, you know?”

But then Hemsworth has always been happy to laugh at his own expense, most notably in a spoof American Express advert he filmed for Saturday Night Live. Google it. “When I got to Hollywood, they said I’d never make it as an actor,” he narrates earnestly. “They said I was too tall, too blonde. My muscles were too big. I bounced around Hollywood for days.” The joke is that Hemsworth is merely a genetic lottery winner for whom the daily struggle is about as mythical as his Norse deity alter- ego. “If a jacked Australian with a perfect face can make it,” concluded the parody, “anyone can.”

In truth, it took a little more than


As a relative gym novice, Hemsworth’s first outing as Thor ( left) required him to add 9kg by feasting on lean chicken and steak. In 2017, he’s sliced his meat intake, focusing on beans, pea protein and eggs. His results ( right) have not suffered. that. Landing a cameo as Captain Kirk’s ill-fated father in JJ Abram’s 2009 Star Trek reboot more or less straight after leaving Melbourne for LA was followed by eight arid months of don’t- call-uswe’ll-call-you. Even when the first Thor opportunit­y knocked in 2011 – a role for which Hemsworth should have been nailed-on to play – the going wasn’t quite so straightfo­rward. Despite someone in casting apparently quipping that they were looking for, “a Thor-type, not actual Thor,” the film’s director, Sir Kenneth Branagh, was rather less enthusiast­ic. It took a call from Joss Whedon, then directing Chris in genre-bending horror Cabin In The Woods, to give the Shakespear­e veteran pause for thought.

While the gods may have played a part in Hemsworth finally landing the lead, filling it was not something that he was going to leave to chance. He duly hammered it in the gym to pack on over 9kg of muscle – a process that he repeated when preparing for the 2013 sequel, Thor: The Dark World, and for this month’s threequel, Thor: Ragnarok. In fact, if you count both of the Avengers: Infinity War films, currently filming back-to-back and with the first installmen­t slated for 2018, we will have seen Thor seven times in as almost as many years.

Needless to say, the franchise has been an unpreceden­ted success. It’s also one that shows no sign of abating. When the first trailer for Thor: Ragnarok was aired, earlier this year it damn near Hulk-smashed the internet, with 136m views in 24 hours – a record for the Marvel nerd-ustrial complex. Crucially, from the retro titles, synth soundtrack and comedic tone, to a new adversary, new double-sided axe, and even a new grooming regime, the preview promised a thrillingl­y fresh take on the franchise.

“Look, I just got bored with myself as that character,” explains Hemsworth. “I thought, ‘ Why are people going to want to see a third one?’ It can’t just be another iteration of what we’ve already done. It’s got to almost be a new character. So that’s where that idea came from: let’s cut his hair, let’s destroy the hammer.” Shorn of his flaxen locks and magic mallet, Thor is imprisoned on a distant planet, where he’s forced by Jeff Goldblum’s Grandmaste­r to fight the

aforementi­oned Hulk in gladiatori­al combat, thus sending fanboys delirious. However, Thor’s real adversary is Cate Blanchett’s Hela, the Asgardian goddess of death who, not content with simply breaking his tool, is trying to bring about Ragnarok – the Viking apocalypse. Indeed, Hulk actor Mark Ruffalo has called it “an intergalac­tic buddy road movie” with the Norse god and the not-so-jolly green giant forming an unlikely but hugely effective comedy duo: large and XXXL, if you will. Listen carefully and you can hear the coffers ringing already.

Celestial Body

While the heft Hemsworth brings to the screen clearly works wonders, it certainly presents an engineerin­g challenge of sorts for today’s tailors at Hugo Boss. “I’m trying on jackets at the moment and they’re going, ‘ Well, these were the measuremen­ts…’” he says. “But I’ve been shooting Thor and Avengers at the same time, so I’m a little bigger than I was.”

He explains that he effectivel­y has two different sizes, depending on where he is in his filming schedule: “I’ve got a lot of suits that zig-zag between my Thor weight and my regular weight.” Regular weight means the kind of shape he keeps when back home in Byron Bay, Australia, “spending most of the day hanging out with the kids on the beach, swimming, surfing – it’s a very outdoorsy lifestyle”. But right now, on a scale of one to Thor, Hemsworth says, “I should be at 10. I’ve been travelling a lot and not been able to train as much as I would’ve liked. But I’m close to it.”

Mercifully, moving the needle has become less of an ordeal with repetition over the years. At least, it has in most respects: “What you notice as time passes is that your joints and other bits take a beating,” he says. “You start to go, ‘Ah, that never used to hurt when I lifted that.’ But the muscle memory is a huge plus. I remember the first time around I had to work out and eat so much. Now it’s much easier to shift gears. You know your routine, what works, what’s excessive…”

Not that he’s been knocking out the same reps for the past seven years. For Thor: Ragnarok, Hemsworth and his trainer Luke ‘Zoco the Body Pro’ Zocchi interspers­ed old faithfuls such as chins, rows and curls with battle ropes, bear crawls attached to a bungee, and playing catch with a medicine ball while running from side to side. “I still isolate certain muscle groups because from a purely cosmetic perspectiv­e, that’s the best way,” he says. “But now I combine that with a lot more functional movements, too, so I feel more athletic. If you’re just isolating muscle groups, you look good, but you don’t feel great.”

Of course, it’s easy to get sniffy about the superiorit­y of progressiv­e functional training methods over antediluvi­an bodybuildi­ng standards. But the reality for Hemsworth is that, once in costume as Thor, only his shoulders and arms are visible. So he wouldn’t be doing his job as the incarnatio­n of a thunder god – or, for that matter, as an archetypal Aussie – if he neglected his beach muscles. He just does it in a smarter way. While he aims for three days of heavy lifting per week, if Hemsworth is feeling distinctly ungodly then Zoco will downshift to a more movement-focused session. “You have to keep shocking your body in different ways for it to want to evolve,” says the actor. “And the variety is key because it keeps you mentally stimulated.”

Influentia­l Figures

He has also outgrown the nutrition plan he adopted for the early Thor films, which might be best described as ‘method’ eating – in other words, feasting like a Viking on as much flesh as possible. “I was eating excessive amounts of meat when I first did this, to be honest,” he says. “Luckily I don’t need as much to achieve the same results now. But I’m still conscious of the amount of animal protein I’m consuming. These days I try and get more proteins from legumes, grains and vegetables.”

“Fear can be a good motivator. How do I remove doubt? I work harder”

While not quite tempted to follow his younger brother, Liam, into veganism, Hemsworth concedes that he has acquired more of an interest in holistic approaches to health and fitness – maybe with a little sensible circumspec­tion. “I see that whole ‘chic to be green’ thing as a general positive, but there’s no doubt that it’s a business,” he says. “Sometimes it becomes a complete image, which can be painful to watch. But still, if it makes people eat healthier and become more self-aware, then great.” Besides, while California is geared up to cater for trendsurfi­ng, muscle-building flexitaria­ns, “If you’re living in the Australian suburbs, you’re going to have a tougher time.”

Months on the Avengers’ set has also given him the chance to pick the fertile fitness brain of Robert Downey Jr, though here the contrasts are Stark. “Downey has a very different training programme – he’s a sort of zen warrior: aikido, meditation and so on – and I think there’s a very healthy addiction to that lifestyle that he has,” says Hemsworth. “I talk a lot with him about it and the varied training styles. He’s got me into doing some yoga with his teacher a couple of times.”

Even so, for the most part you get the impression that Hemsworth finds his body suits a different kind of free-spirited exercise – as does his mind. “Anything where you’re completely involved, pushing yourself to that point where you can’t think about anything because it’s all your physical response – that’s my meditation,” he says. “Whether it be working out or surfing, particular­ly when the waves are bigger, that rush and adrenaline forces you to be ever-present and focused. I love that about it.”

Neither his diary nor, you suspect, his active personalit­y allow for much of the lotus-position variety of selfexamin­ation. “I probably should do more of it,” he says, not entirely convincing­ly. “But I tend to keep pretty busy.”

Return To Earth

If Chris Hemsworth does have a flaw, it’s imposter syndrome. “With this kind of work, my main challenge has been self- doubt and the insecurity,” he admits. “You think: do I really deserve this or did I fool them?” At the same time, he allows, anxiety is a double-sided axe: “I’m also aware that fear can be a good motivator. How can I remove that doubt? I train harder. I do more research on the character. Acknowledg­ing that you know nothing is a good place to start, because then there’s more to learn. You stay open.”

It’s this levelheade­d, earthy honesty mixed with steel and resilience that no doubt appealed to the Boss Bottled marketing team. What makes him a Man of Today is that he’s polished but not precious, rugged but not rough, a bloke but not a lad. He’s a devoted husband and father who prioritise­s his family’s quality of life by moving them to the opposite side of the world from his place of work – yet still takes care of business in some considerab­le style. And he smells really, really good. What’s not to like?

For Marvel fanboys, the character of Thor represents one of the great illustrate­d heroes. But Hemsworth’s own role model lives somewhat closer to home. “My father drove me to football practice and to the beach to have a surf before or after school,” he says. “He worked in child protection for many years and was always very vocal about preventing injustice and the importance of having a healthy, loving childhood. We were instilled with that attitude and those values. So yeah, he’s my hero. Always will be.” Thor: Ragnarok is out 24 October. Hemsworth is the global ambassador for the Boss Bottled fragrance TRAIN LIKE THOR

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