Men's Health (UK)

Action Stations

Easing the pressure and reassessin­g your targets will bolster both your physical fitness and mental fortitude


Go It Alone (Sometimes)

More than three quarters of men prefer to exercise alone. But, according to Dr Winwood, that’s OK: “Team activity has social benefits, but valuing ‘me time’ is no bad thing. A lot of people use exercise as a time for quiet reflection. Mindful exercise and being present – whether pushing through a long run or focusing on deadlift form – can be very beneficial.”

Rework Your System

We all know that moderation is key, but, then again, moderation isn’t always easy or desirable. Try looking at it a different way: “Ask yourself, ‘Am I using this as a crutch?’” says Gillian Connor, head of policy partnershi­ps at Mental Health UK. “You don’t have to cut out everything you enjoy, but if the line between fun and dependence is blurry then it’s time to take action. Start with the self-check tool at headsupguy­ – it will help you to tell whether indulgence is a problem.

Don’t Sweat It

When it comes to fitness, MH promotes balance above all else. This approach can safeguard your mind, too; punishing yourself for not achieving a Grecian physique is good for neither. “Aiming for perfection erodes your motivation,” says Dr Winwood. “Focus on the parts of your body you like, rather than those you want to change, and celebrate your achievemen­ts.” Feel pleased that you made it to the gym today, not despondent over that last stubborn inch of belly fat.

Find The Light

More than half of men have had suicidal thoughts. But thoughts are very different to actions, as Dr Winwood explains. “What’s important is planning not to act on those thoughts. Often, patients tell me they don’t feel like they’ve achieved anything, but they don’t have any goals, either. This is essential. You needn’t say you want the body of a teenager at 50, but you could aim to up your deadlift by 10kg. All of this helps give you a focus.”

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