Men's Health (UK)

Promotiona­l Activity

There’s more to life than clocking on. Use these tips to readdress your mental balance and end the al- desko despair


Do More

That’s to say, reward progress instead of worrying about deadlines you’ve still to meet. “People never congratula­te themselves on what they’ve achieved, but they should,” says Dr Winwood. “As well as crossing off items on a to-do list, creating an ‘ I have done’ list at the end of the week is a very positive psychologi­cal process. Writing out your tasks transfers the pressure into a less nebulous form, with structure. Often, you’ll think, ‘ Is that what I’m worried about?’”

Treat Yourself

But only occasional­ly. Using impulse buys to bolster mood feeds a cyclical system of guilt and overspendi­ng, which further damages mental wellbeing. Better to delay the gratificat­ion, say, until the end of the month, for a more “psychologi­cally strengthen­ing” experience, says Connor. To give you a head start, Mental Health UK and Lloyds Bank have launched a support service for those struggling with both financial and mental health issues. Go to mentalheal­ to learn more.

Think Small

“If work is your main anxiety source, it’s time to be realistic about what you can and can’t achieve,” says Vandenabee­le. “Have regular catch-ups with your line manager to talk through what you should be achieving and when. This should reduce stress, because you know what’s expected of you.” Remember: more hours doesn’t always mean a higher output. Six hours at 80% efficiency is better than eight at 40%, so don’t feel bad about leaving on time to make it to the gym.

Flip Over A New Leaf

Instead of flipping your lid when the pressure gets too much, Dr Winwood advises the following: keep a symbol on your desk – a water bottle will do – and focus on it whenever a colleague asks you a question you’ve already answered over email. “Stop, take a breath and shift your perspectiv­e before reacting,” says Dr Winwood. “We need to feel anger and irritation, but flying off the handle will only negatively impact you.”

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