Men's Health (UK)


Learn these variations to ensure there’s no sticking point in your movement and deliver smooth reps every time



What does it involve? Using only a specific range of motion for a move: stopping before locking your joints, say, or even halfway up the rep.

How does it help? Not only does it extend your time under tension, it also targets the weakest part of a lift. That means earning new PBS when you perform the full move.

Best exercise: Bench press.


What does it involve? Deliberate­ly slowing the speed at which you perform the “lowering” phase of your lift. How does it help? It damages muscle fibres – which results in more nutrients reaching your muscles for repair and growth. Best exercise: Cable push-down.


What does it involve? Holding an isometric contractio­n, muscles tensed, at the bottom of a move before lifting. How does it help? During an isometric hold, the body can activate more motor units than usual. It’s a test of strength, as you can’t use any momentum to produce force – only your muscles.

Best exercise: Barbell back squat.


What does it involve? Performing your sets to just short of failure, then reducing the weight and continuing with more reps. How does it help? Compared to standard sets that only combat the first layer of your muscle fibres, drop sets activate the deepest muscles. Remember: even though you may reach a point of failure with one weight, you haven’t yet reached absolute failure. Best exercise: Dumbbell lateral raise.

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