Men's Health (UK)


- Instant Porridge

07_ Sometimes it’s hard to improve the original formula. This dark beer – popular in 18th-century London and more recently adopted by Hackney’s hipsters – is rich in heart-healthy nutrients. “The University of WisconsinM­adison found flavonoids in dark beers could prevent blood clots,” says Goggins. Try Five Points Railway Porter, which comes in at 4.8% ABV. Push peanut and almond to the back of the cupboard and have a crack at something new. Studies show that pistachios contain more antioxidan­ts than other nutty alternativ­es, with an impressive profile of BCAAS, the key amino acids linked to muscle repair, making a helping of the new PB your smartest morning spread. Make it yourself by blending a bag of salted pistachios until creamy.

14_ To instantly upgrade any breakfast cereal, smoothie or latte, go the full nutritioni­sta and ferment your own milk. Kefir grains are, in fact, not grains at all but a “symbiotic community” of yeast and bacteria that bestow your milk with probiotics. “This improves metabolic health by boosting the blood sugar control hormone GLP-1,” says Goggins, while the calcium increases calorie burn, the Internatio­nal Journal of Obesity reports. Join the culture club.

15_ Even if you loathe the stuff (though, catchy ad lines aside, does anyone truly feel that strongly?), we’ll assume you’re at least a little won- over by the prospect of a healthier brain. According to studies by the University of York, Marmite can increase your levels of GABA, a chemical messenger associated with deeper sleep and reduced anxiety, making a slather on buttered toast the ideal addition to your bedtime ritual. The study authors posit this effect is due to its high levels of mood-balancing vitamin B12.

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