Men's Health (UK)

Unleash Your Inner Vegan

Plant-based diets may be trending, but will they really help your training? MH met up with Manchester United defender Chris Smalling, one of the Premiershi­p’s first vegans, to see how giving meat the boot has assisted him

- Words by Paul Wilson

Footballer­s and food have come a long way since steak Diane was a routine favourite. Today, from Lionel Messi to the fully plant-powered Forest Green Rovers, veganism in the game is on the rise. Chris Smalling, veteran of more than 300 games for Manchester United and with 31 England caps, is one of several high-profile pros who have rejected meat entirely. A book about how he did it – co-authored by his wife, Sam, with meal plans and recipes – will be published later this year.

How hard was it to go vegan?

It took me a long time. I’ve been fully vegan since the end of 2017, but I was trying for about a year before that. First, I cut out red meat, then chicken, then fish. Eggs were the last to go, because I was used to having them every day.

Why did you do it?

My wife, Sam, is passionate about veganism. She’s a great cook and was making vegan breakfasts and dinners. I was just eating what she gave me, and it was delicious. Then, I got more and more into the idea, especially when I noticed the physical improvemen­ts.

What were they?

I had tendonitis in my knee for two-anda-half years. After reducing my red meat intake, I started to feel it less. At training, it used to take me 20-25 minutes to warm up, and it was killing me. I hadn’t totally given up red meat but, after seeing the difference with my knee, I cut it out altogether. Now, the tendonitis has completely gone.

The chef [at Manchester United’s training ground] caters for 20-odd playing staff and all the coaches. I spoke to him and we discussed the options. He was very accommodat­ing. It turned out there were some other vegans and a lot of vegetarian­s at the training ground. Many of the meateaters ate the dishes, too – vegan meatballs and things like that – and they were surprised at how good they were. The fact that I felt so good meant it wasn’t hard to justify. My recovery times improved. I’m used to playing twice a week, and the second day after a game, I’d normally be very sore. But when I was becoming vegan, I was bouncing back faster. The masseuse noticed that my muscles were recovering better, too.

Have you noticed other improvemen­ts?

My wife says I look more slender, so I’ll agree with her. My body fat went down, but I didn’t lose any weight. My skin is clearer, too. I used to get a lot of breakouts.

What about eating away from home?

At Man United, our menu is decided a month in advance. When we go abroad, our chef works with the kitchen staff wherever we stay. Eating out at dinner is easy, because there are so many good vegan options. Sam and I went to Vietnam for six weeks last summer, to some off-the-beaten-track places. We weren’t sure what the food would be like, but it was unbelievab­le. I get a lot of questions from the lads about it. Some have now cut out meat and are just eating fish. And I know a few have read up on going vegan. At lunch now, the vegan options often run out before the chicken ones.

Did you read up on going vegan?

It’s important to educate yourself and know what you’re getting into. For me, reading The Happy Vegan by Russell Simmons was an eye-opener. Making an informed choice, not under pressure, will make you feel better about your decision.

Sportsmen tend to eat a high-protein diet. Do you ever find it challengin­g to get enough protein?

People still wonder about that, but it isn’t a problem. There are so many sources of protein for vegans: tofu, chickpeas, lentils, quinoa, tempeh, seeds, broad beans. I still have a couple of protein shakes a day, though just vegan ones now.

What are you hoping to achieve with your book?

Many books about veganism seem to be for people who are already a long way into their journey, especially when it comes to recipes. Ours is for everyone: beginners and vegans who just want new recipes. It’s going to be very practical. Also, explaining a bit about how we each went vegan will hopefully reassure people about some of the things they’ll come across.

Are you a vegan outside of your diet?

I have stopped buying leather. Nike is working on a non-leather boot, actually. I still have to kick a leather ball, but that’s not my choice. One day, though, there might be an alternativ­e.

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– Portrait byjulian Benjamin

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