Men's Health (UK)

28 Ways To turn Bacon Into Muscle

Or, to serve it up another way, a generous dollop of examples as to how nutritiona­l science and flavour can combine to make sweet, glorious bacon the most satisfying muscle food to sink your teeth into. Enjoy. We certainly did

- Words by David Morton

Rasher Decisions

There are few combos so blissfully effective as the quickly assimilate­d, 2:1 carbs-to-protein delivery system that is the bacon sarnie. First, the cut…

02\ Back

The UK’S most popular cut, with a large, lean medallion and a fatty strip on the side. With 10g of protein per rasher, two pieces give you 25% of your RDA of the holy macro.

03\ Smoked

For the porcine purist. The applicatio­n of smoke further preserves the meat and gives it a stronger flavour. Concentrat­ions of chemicals linked to cancer are up to three times lower in the liquid smoke used in modern baconm-aking facilities. So, for once, going big brand is best for you.

04\ Streaky

Named after the streaks of fat that run through it – and fat equals flavour. Luckily, half of that fat is monounsatu­rated, which, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found, helps to drop blood pressure while giving you a biceps-bulking fix.

05\ Green

Unsmoked (“green”) bacon has a milder flavour, more akin to ham, so it’s preferable if you’re the sort who stuffs myriad ingredient­s on top. [Ed: if you are, I applaud you – and there’s more on this later on, so don’t you worry!]

Heavenly Bread 06\ White

If you like your protein ’twixt slices of white, rejoice. The journal Cell Metabolism found “no notable glycaemic variance” between white and wholemeal. Both will dish out enough lasting energy to keep your training sessions mighty. The most chewed-over debate in the bacon sarnie world concerns which loaf is best. Hipster artisan sourdoughs firmly aside, you have two options…

07\ Brown

Where brown wins is in fibre content. Wholemeal bread is one of the best sources of the fibre you need to digest the macro- and micronutri­ents in your bacon. In any case, Yakult does not a nice sarnie make.

On the Sauce

If butter on both pieces of bread doesn’t quite cut it, the condiment spectrum can supply a slathering of additional musclebuil­ding science

08\ Red

When you’re training hard, illness always looms. As well as being high in vitamin C, ketchup layers vitamin A onto your bacon for a healthier immune system ( Annual Review of Food Science and Technology).

09\ White

Mayonnaise is the unselfish clubman of the sauce aisle, seeking not to overpower but to enhance by unlocking the fat-soluble vitamins of everything it touches. And, let’s not forget, it’s delicious ( Internatio­nal Journal of Nutrition and Food Science).

10\ Yellow

If you hanker for spice, then mustard is your man. It’s also hot for 21% of your RDA of selenium, an antioxidan­t that smokes out Doms-causing free radicals ( Journal of the American College of Nutrition).

11\ Brown

HP is a potent source of magnesium, the “essential mineral involved in energy metabolism and muscle actions” ( Nutrients). Which is handy.

Wrapped with Love

Bacon is a hardy fellow, so wrapping other foods in a piggy coat protects them, while bringing a dose of salty, umami goodness to the party

13\ Sausages

Take some sausages: cocktail, Cumberland, chorizo, any kind. Wrap bacon around them. Bake, hunkered down and peering into the oven, until done – no added fat needed. Eat with your fingers.

14\ Asparagus

Oil and season your spears on foil. Slice streaky bacon down the middle, coil around each spear, then grill for five minutes. Serve with poached eggs for a low-carb spring breakfast.

15\ Salmon

The healthiest surf and turf going. Adorn the salmon fillet with a jacket of two pieces of bacon, then bake for 15-20 minutes. Flaky fish + crispy bacon = smug grin.

16\ Chicken

Cut a slit into a chicken breast, stuff it with cream cheese and wrap in streaky bacon. Roast for 30 minutes. Apply to face post-gym.

17\ Figs

Slice a cross on the top of each fig, pinch, season, fry for one minute, then bake for six. Fry the bacon, then wrap it around the hot, fibre-rich figs.

Make Yours a Double

Adding other ingredient­s can multiply a bacon bap’s impact on your strength goals. This is how to stack up benefits and flavour alike

18\ Tomato

A thick slice of good ol’ lycopene provides plenty of antioxidan­ts to clear away lactic acid, boost your immunity and generally make you a fitter, stronger person.

19\ Egg

In a study published in Nutrients, regular egg consumers had almost double the usual intake of choline, a compound that supports muscular function and growth.

20\ Avocado

It’s rich in folic acid and vitamin B6, both of which support healthy testostero­ne levels for a higher metabolism and increased muscle growth. Just don’t Instagram it.

21\ Cheese

Another study in Nutrients states that consuming casein (dairy) protein before bed supports strength gains overnight. Bacon and cheese beat a lumpy shake, as far as we’re concerned.

All in the Heating

How you cook it can change both the nutritiona­l and flavour profiles of the rashers you’re scoffing. Luckily, there are cheats, whatever your method

22\ Grilling

You know, we know and George Foreman knows that grilling allows excess fat to drain away. This means fewer calories per rasher but just as much coenzyme Q1 – found by Kyoto University to double your metabolism when eaten before a brisk walk. Commute to a six-pack with a bellyful of bacon, basically.

23\ Frying

Fat – and we will repeat this – has flavour. So, a heavy pan is the place to create amazing bacon. If the frying pan fills with water, your rashers will be poached and flaccid. Pour off the liquid, pat both pan and bacon dry, and add a tiny bit of oil before reheating it.

The Secret Ingredient

Whether sliced or chopped (lardons, if you must), bacon upgrades a host of dishes. To finish, allow us to sate your every muscle-building desire. Eat up

25\ Burgers

Best for: Cheat days. OK, so processed meat atop processed meat shouldn’t be your daily fare. But, let’s face it, a little gives such immense succour after a hard week of work/gym/life. Try it in: Any bacon double cheeseburg­er; every other burger.

26\ Pasta

Best for: Energy. Cutting carbs is so 2016. Instead, contempora­ry science suggests timing them before or after training to keep muscle glycogen well stocked, and to sidestep soreness. Also, bacon. Try it in: Carbonara; Bolognese; any other pasta.

27\ Soup

Best for: Definition. Low in calories but nutrient dense (because it’s hot liquid with vegetables), bacon-filled soup suits the man looking to address his calorie deficit and lose the fat hiding his gains. Try it in: Potato soup; pea soup; any other soup.

28\ Salad

Best for: Rest days. Tweaking your macros to keep your protein high but calories not-so-high lets you recover without blowing yesterday’s work. Go crispy with the bacon and crumble it over salads. Try it in: Caesar; Niçoise; any other salad.

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– Photograph­y by Sun Lee
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