Men's Health (UK)

Diversify Your Fuel


Some crash diets slash entire food groups as a way to shock your system into weight loss. But the big surprise is how quickly it piles back on again. To strengthen your entire body and support lasting change, you need to eat a range of nutrients, says St Pierre. Here’s exactly why each is important. (Don’t worry, we’ll translate the science into delicious meals later.)


Enhances your strength by repairing and growing your muscle tissue

Especially: Zoonutrien­ts

Nutrients that occur only in animal foods, such as creatine, will further stoke muscle power and strength. Red meat is the best source, but vegans can find it in supplement form (£8 Other examples include carnosine, linked to muscle function and reduced fatigue.

Slow-Burn Carbs

Supply the fuel to work out longer and harder and keep hormones in balance

Especially: Phytonutri­ents

These occur only in plant foods, with distinct colours signifying different types. Phytonutri­ents reduce training-induced inflammati­on and boost your all-round health. Examples you’ve heard of include carotenoid­s, flavonoids and resveratro­l.

And: Myconutrie­nts

Found only in mushrooms and other fungi, myconutrie­nts will help you avoid deficienci­es that might be sapping your strength.

Healthy Fats

We don’t just mean those derived from plants like avocado and nuts, or from oily fish, but also those found in less obvious suspects such as egg yolks, grass-fed beef, pork and organ meats. Unprocesse­d fats from whole foods lower inflammati­on, protect hormone balance, support joint health and improve immunity, so you’ll never have to miss a workout.

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