Men's Health (UK)

Enjoy a Sweeter Deal


“If you love macadamia nuts, by all means eat them. But don’t force yourself to because you feel you should,” says nutrition consultant Graeme Tomlinson (@thefitness­chef_). Gramme for gramme, nuts and chocolate have a fairly equal calorie count. Just because a food is healthy, it doesn’t always mean it’s conducive to fat loss, and vice versa. Your body doesn’t really differenti­ate between the calories in “good” fats and those in so-called “bad” fats. “Yes, nuts and crisps contain more micronutri­ents, but falling short on vitamins and minerals is only a problem if you do so regularly. If you just eat them once in a while, low-nutrient foods can sit comfortabl­y within your eating plan. And a little flexibilit­y is what makes a plan sustainabl­e.”

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