Men's Health (UK)


Introducin­g Hyfit’s next-gen resistance bands – the smartest, most effective way to reach your potential in 2021. Strap in


Unpack the latest smart tech to bulk up your living room workouts. Punch it

You want to get in shape but hate the January gym rush. You also don’t have space at home for countless dumbbells but feel you need more than just your bodyweight for faster results. If that sounds familiar, here’s your solution: the Hyfit Gear 1 brings band workouts into the 21st century. It has two adjustable straps and sensors built into the cuffs that track reps, weights and rest, identifyin­g the muscles that you’re working hardest. That’s all in real time, too, with app-based coaching for drills and full workouts. It’s the tool you need to pull in all-new progress this year.

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