Men's Health (UK)



Today 6:14am

Yesterday, I went so hard at the gym I couldn’t get dressed this morning. But I don’t want to miss a session – what should I do?

What type of pain are we talking? DOMS will cause a tight feeling in your muscles, whereas an injury will feel like a sharp, stabbing pain.

It’s definitely DOMS. So, is it safe to work out?

Only if you warm up and cool down properly and lower the intensity. More stress triggers degenerati­on – muscle disappears and is replaced by fat and connective tissue.

Hmm, OK. I might as well stay at home and watch Netflix.

Not necessaril­y. Light activity will ease the pain. Whole-body exercise, like swimming or yoga, will even the load and keep you at the right level.

Sounds good. What else can I do to get me back to max intensity?

Drink some tart cherry juice . The anthocyani­ns it contains can ease DOMS. A salt bath with essential oils will relax your muscles, too.

The rule of thumb to remember is that if the stiffness doesn’t ease during your warm up, throw in the towel until tomorrow.

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