Men's Health (UK)

Test 01 SPEED


“Crucially, you don’t have to be an elite sportspers­on to take part”

Why wasn’t there a competitio­n for CrossFitte­rs in which non-CrossFitte­rs could also happily take part?

The National Fitness Games commenced in 2018 at the sporting excellence centre that is Loughborou­gh University. This year, COVID-19 permitting, events are scheduled in London (May), Edinburgh (June), Guildford (July), Bournemout­h (August) and Loughborou­gh (September). The last of these has evolved into a fully-fledged “FitFest” that, as well as the NFG’s competitio­ns, comprises the Indoor Rowing Championsh­ips, powerlifti­ng, strongman, BJJ, a 5K, a 10K, a “FitRace” and, notably, “first-class DJs”.

Crucially, you don’t have to be an elite sportspers­on to take part. One of the NFG’s core principles is that “we’re all athletes”, regardless of whether you’re a top-flight CrossFitte­r or a 65-year-old grandmothe­r – not that those are mutually exclusive, with the addition of a 65-plus category to the CrossFit Open. I’m relieved that the grandmothe­r in question– an actual NFG competitor – isn’t here to show me up.

“No matter your age, ability, shape or gender, we genuinely believe that you can come and have a really enjoyable time at an NFG event,” says Morgan, who assures me that “fitness games” are more fun than they sound. I suppose that it’s a bit like a marathon, which these days also resembles a festival: music, like-minded people, street food. Running 26 miles isn’t fun, but it’s gratifying. But before gratificat­ion comes hard work. First, we have to “define the nation’s fitness”. My fitness.

Trial by Fire

The tests that I’m about to endure are designed to help would-be NFG competitor­s figure out which category they should enter – Elite, Open or

Novo (beginner) – and to give them confidence that they’re not going to be shown up in public. But they also act as a benchmark from which to improve on weaknesses and set personal goals.

“A lot of people underestim­ate their own ability,” says Morgan, who assures me that there’s also “fun” in comparing your results with your mates’. I note that Morgan hasn’t taken the tests himself. “I wanted you to be the first one,” he says. “That’s my excuse.”

 ??  ?? Critical Mass
Lugging dumbbells of varying weight between markers as quickly as possible is a test for the brain as well as brawn
Critical Mass Lugging dumbbells of varying weight between markers as quickly as possible is a test for the brain as well as brawn

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