Men's Health (UK)


CoolSculpt­ing is a method of targeted body contouring that works by literally destroying fat at a cellular level. Here, a patient and a practition­er with first-hand knowledge explain how it works


You’ve optimised your macros, maxed out on HIIT, but you’re still left with stubborn fat around your waistline or on your chest. You could keep going, but contrary to popular belief (and dubious PT claims), the science is clear: it can be difficult to spot-reduce fat pockets through diet and fitness alone. That’s where CoolSculpt­ing comes in.

CoolSculpt­ing is a non-invasive procedure that works with your body to permanentl­y get rid of subcutaneo­us (pinchable) fat. In the simplest terms, it uses a targeted applicator to freeze fat cells, which the body then naturally rids itself of. There are no incisions, no anaestheti­c, just targeted fat

reduction with proven results and minimal expected downtime.

It’s not a miracle cure – you’re encouraged to keep up a healthy diet and exercise programme to maintain the results – but fat cells can be reduced by up to 27%*. So, if you’re struggling with problemati­c areas, CoolSculpt­ing could help you to achieve your goals. Dr Nathan Holt, a CoolSculpt­ing practition­er, and Carlos, who recently underwent the procedure himself, tell us more.


“I like to keep fit – I run, cycle, go spinning, lift medium weights,” says Carlos. “But in the last two years, I’ve put on weight. I went from a job where I was on my feet for 12 hours a day to one that’s much more desk-based. Lockdown didn’t help – I was working from home and finding any excuse to go to the fridge. I’m almost 45, which means weight goes on more quickly and takes longer to come off. So, I decided to do something about it.

“I lost 2st through diet and exercise, but I still had issues with my flanks [fat that accumulate­s on the sides of the abdominal area]. I’m happy with my chest and arms, and have a flat stomach – but the flanks, I felt, spoiled everything. If I put on a tight shirt, you’d see them. So I started to look into CoolSculpt­ing.”


“I was waiting for the data to demonstrat­e the kind of results that would satisfy my clients,” says Dr Holt. “The CoolSculpt­ing system is the most proven fat-freezing technology** and I’m pleased with the results we achieve. “To remove fat non-surgically, you can either heat it or freeze it. The CoolSculpt­ing applicator chills to -11°C – this cools the fat cells to the point at which they freeze, and destroys them permanentl­y.

Patients will see up to a 27% reduction of fat in the treated area*.

“CoolSculpt­ing is a body-contouring procedure, not a weight-loss method. Ideally, clients need to be of a healthy weight – those who are in good shape or moving towards good shape, but who have these stubborn areas of fat. Because CoolSculpt­ing is targeted at those specific pockets of fat, it can help give them the results they want.

“Male clients are often looking for more definition in the six-pack – they don’t want flab around their abdomen. The flanks and chest are also very common for treatment.”


“At my first appointmen­t, the nurse explained everything to me: what they were going to do, timing, how it would feel, all the potential risks and benefits. They were very profession­al and they were honest about the fact that, after the procedure, you have to look after yourself. If you go back to bad habits, the fat cells that remain can expand and you can still put on weight in other areas. “They measured me and identified the areas to be treated and we booked an appointmen­t. After some time to think about whether the treatment was right for me, I went in again for my treatment day. The nurse took some before photograph­s and marked the areas for treatment, and then we began. It took between three and four hours to treat both the right and left flanks. “Really, I was expecting it to be worse. For the first 10 minutes, I felt a slight discomfort – almost like a tingling sensation. At the end, there was a massage, which was uncomforta­ble for the first minute or two. But for the most part, I was able to sit back and enjoy watching Netflix without any problems – and my pain threshold is low.”


“It’s really important with any medical procedure to use proven technology that gives the desired results but also has a good safety profile. CoolSculpt­ing has three patented methods of helping to protect the skin and reduce freeze burns. The technology monitors the temperatur­e of the treatment, identifies irregulari­ties and will switch off should the temperatur­e be too cold.

“As fat-freezing is a medical treatment, with permanent results and some risks, it’s important that you’re treated in a medical-led clinic. CoolSculpt­ing, a brand of fat-freezing, is only available in medical-led clinics and includes a consultati­on to help understand your needs and advice on what treatment is required, as some patients may need more than one treatment to get their desired result.”


“After the procedure, I was only very slightly sore. I was able to get on with my day and I slept well that night. Maybe four or five weeks later, I started to notice the difference. I’m really happy with the results and feel more confident. Before, I’d never look in the mirror and be truly happy with what I saw, but now I’m able to do that. Maybe that sounds vain, but it’s a boost for your wellbeing to feel good about yourself. It’s given me a sense of responsibi­lity, too. I work out and I eat well – I might have the odd cheat day, but I won’t jeopardise my progress.”


“The effects of CoolSculpt­ing are permanent, but you have to maintain a healthy lifestyle. If you let it all go, you’ll compromise the results. Often, having the treatment will help people push forward psychologi­cally. They’ll go the gym more often, eat better, become even fitter. We really do emphasise that this has to be linked to a healthy lifestyle, diet and exercise – but put all of those things together and it can help give you the results you want.”

To discover more about CoolSculpt­ing and find your nearest practition­er, visit coolsculpt­


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