Men's Health (UK)

What Is ADHD?


Symptoms can be divided into two categories: hyperactiv­ity and impulsiven­ess, and inattentiv­eness. For most people, problems fall into both categories. Those who have problems with inattentiv­eness, but not hyperactiv­ity, can be said to have attention deficit disorder (ADD).

Could I Have It?

Symptoms of ADHD in children are usually noticeable before the age of six. In adults, symptoms are harder to define. Under UK diagnostic guidelines, a diagnosis of ADHD in adults can’t be confirmed unless symptoms have been present from childhood. If you’re worried, see your GP.

How Is It Treated?

As well as medication, different therapies can be useful, including cognitive behavioura­l therapy (CBT) and educationa­l programmes aimed at parents and young people. Therapy can also be useful for treating similar conditions, such as anxiety and depression.

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