Men's Health (UK)

01-06 Relieve Anxiety


01 Pay Attention

Anxiety is about the future (will I hit this deadline?) and the past (did I mess up in that meeting?). To anchor yourself to the present, former monk Jay Shetty, author of Think Like A Monk, recommends that you make a mental note of the following when your mind starts to race:

02 Astound Yourself

Research has found that when you experience something awe-inducing, your own problems often seem less important. These Instagram accounts hit that.


a National Geographic

photograph­er who captures all the patterns and drama of the night sky.


a photograph­er who visits amazing places that remind you of nature’s power.

03 Step Out

A 90-minute walk in nature, if you’re a city dweller, has been shown to reduce rumination or repetitive negative thoughts. The OS Maps app, which helps you plan hikes and walks, has a ‘Greenspace’ function that identifies nearby parks, nature reserves and public gardens, wherever you are in the UK.

04 Curb Your News Time

Browse headlines in the morning, but don’t spend your day hitting refresh. In one study from the Internatio­nal Journal Of Behavioral Medicine, when students watched the news for only 15 minutes, it heightened anxiety and mood disturbanc­e, unless immediatel­y followed by a short relaxation exercise.

05 Troublesho­ot Pre-trouble

It’s not worrying; it’s strategisi­ng. If you prepare for difficulti­es and think about how to handle them, problems are less likely to throw you off, explains Dr Emily Balcetis, an associate professor of psychology at New York University. Athletes do it – they train for how they’ll recoup if they fumble a pass or drive a golf ball into the rough.

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