Men's Health (UK)



01 Early Does It

‘I still like to train at 6am –

then I’m done and the day’s mine. I’m not in that position where it’s 5pm and I’m thinking, “Will I make it to the gym?” You’ll more often than not find

an excuse not to go.’


Switch Your Focus

‘Learning a skill can be more motivating than fixating on your weight or body fat percentage.

These will always fluctuate, but mastering a new lift or technique can

be hugely satisfying.’


Drink Smartly

‘If you’re out, go for clear spirits with tonic or soda water to ensure you stay hydrated. And try having two or three, instead of six. It will hugely improve your appetite to

train the next day.’


Eat More Often

‘An oldie but a goodie: “little and often”. It really helped my energy levels. I never felt that post-meal bloat or afternoon lethargy. Some overnight oats in Tupperware is simple but

can be a godsend.’

05 Prioritise Rest

‘If you’re feeling sore, don’t power through. A rest day isn’t a “cheat day”. Stretch, take a walk, have a bath. You’ll get a lot more out of the next session if you do!’

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