Metal Hammer (UK)


Last month on metalhamme­r. com, Stephen Hill made the case for Metallica’s Lulu being a misunderst­ood opus. It seems you weren’t happy about it.


HE SAID: “The reason so many feel so negatively towards it is because they want it to be something else. Which is ridiculous. It’s like biting into an apple and being angry that it doesn’t taste like a banana. You can’t bemoan a band for refusing to leave their comfort zone, and then stamp your feet when they don’t do what you’re used to.”

YOU SAY: I misunderst­ood fuck-all. I bought that shit on day one without reading any reviews or anyone else’s opinions – and I still haven’t finished the album. Dearest coffee coaster I’ve ever bought. Scott McLean (Facebook)

It doesn’t matter if it’s a Metallica, or a Lou Reed album. The bottom line is it’s terrible. Both artists should be ashamed by this abortion. Chaz Starr (Facebook)

Can you not just accept no one likes it and leave it at that? It’s like taking week-old pizza out of the bin and trying to convince yourself it’s still good. Tom Sheldon (Facebook)

It’s a Lou Reed album not a Metallica album, so there’s that. Not to mention Lou Reed was trash (my opinion). Raymond Ziegler (Facebook)

I’ve been holding off on listening to this for a couple of years, but this article made me curious enough to give it a try. Regrets are now being had. Jade Mihalicz (Facebook)

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