Metal Hammer (UK)

MACHINE HEAD celebrate Burn My Eyes’ silver anniversar­y.




Up against an expectant crowd of extreme grind diehards, Sunderland’s OSIAH win us over with their nihilistic soundtrack of tech-death ferocity. Bodies collide amidst a barrage of skull-rattling bass drops, subhuman gutturals and lurching grooves, the visceral pull of songs like Humanimals

proving that UK deathcore is alive and spin-kicking. Only a band of CATTLE DECAPITATI­ON’S veteran status could open with the as-yet-unheard The Genocide

then hurtle into demented classic A Living, Breathing Piece Of Defecating Meat like it was nothing. It’s the jump-off for a deluge of ragers from The Anthropoce­ne Extinction

and Monolith Of Inhumanity. Forced Gender Reassignme­nt’s vicious squall hypes this crowd to rabid levels, and the inclusion of four more eviscerati­ng cuts from new album Death Atlas reaffirm why the San Diego outfit remain such a thrillingl­y brutal propositio­n. Travis Ryan switches between affable banter and beast mode on a dime. “I forget what our last record was!” he jokes, all smiles before ripping into riff-fuelled Not Suitable For Life with the force of an enraged bull. Meanwhile, a blistering encore of Manufactur­ed Extinct and Your Disposal ensures tonight’s aural assault ends on a gut-punching high. SOPHIE MAUGHAN

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