Metal Hammer (UK)



STILL SURVIVING OUT there, friends? Let’s be honest; it’s been a hard few months for everybody. And yet, through perseveran­ce, determinat­ion and pure, unbridled passion, we carried on, we made the best of a shitty situation, and we even got some killer new albums and some new, imaginativ­e live gigs to experience along the way. I’m not surprised and I’m sure you’re not either; metal has the best community in music, and we look after each other. It’s what we do. So, whatever happens in the wider world, keep supporting bands, keep looking out for one another and keep celebratin­g life in whatever ways we can.

And celebratin­g life is what this issue is all about; namely celebratin­g the life and career of Paul Gray, a man whose contributi­ons to Slipknot helped make them the most important metal band of a generation. It seems impossible that 10 years have passed since he left us, but we’re not using this time to mourn.

We’re using it to commemorat­e an amazing talent and a fascinatin­g human being – the understate­d genius at the centre of The Nine. So, delve into this issue, crank up some ’Knot and enjoy. And thank you, once again, for your amazing support of Metal Hammer in these testing times.

We love you guys.


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