Metal Hammer (UK)


Phenomenal technicolo­gical astrodeath. It’s a thing now. Honest IF YOU’RE SEEKING For these Dubai metallers, it’s all about keeping it in the (extended) family DESPITE THE BICKERING


a means of escape from this plague-ridden planet, UK death metal crew Cryptic Shift are firing up the spaceship and awaiting your arrival.

“We push beyond traditiona­l musical capabiliti­es and merge the boundaries of thrash and death metal with the realms of Outer Space and Other Dimensions,” states drummer Ryan Sheperson. “As a result, we are producing what can only be described as Phenomenal Technicolo­gical [sic] Astro-death!”

A wild, disorienta­ting ride through multiple, mind-bending shades of brutality, Cryptic Shift’s debut album, Visitation­s From Enceladus, is a genuine trip into the unknown. With a complex underlying narrative and a thrilling sense of controlled chaos, it might just

that may litter online message boards and forums, in reality, the metal community generally remains a strong and united collection of likeminded individual­s. This sense of community lies at the heart of Dubai-based metallers Svengali’s ethos, as guitarist JM tells Hammer of how crucial the fans have been to the band’s rise thus far.

“If we’re attending or playing a gig, we know almost every single person at the show. It’s such a tight community and it’s such a supportive community. I think it’s beyond the borders or beyond what’s happened, like with the quarantine we’re in.” be the ultimate sci-fi and extremity mash-up. The album’s concept certainly hits the spot.

“Enceladus is the sixth largest of the many moons of Saturn, a mesmerisin­g planet,” notes Ryan. “The moon is essentiall­y a ball of ice but with a global subsurface ocean hidden beneath, making it one of the most likely places in our solar system to support life. In the story, there is an insectoid-type alien species that escaped Enceladus via the geyser plumes at the South Pole and landed on Earth’s moon. Our character comes into contact with them

With coronaviru­s grinding touring to a halt, people are realising just how much they miss the feel and experience of a gig. But there will be a day when live shows return and we can venture to our favourite venues once more. Bands need support now more than ever, and luckily for JM and his bandmates, they have quite the extended family!

“The ‘Svengali Family’ to us is what we consider everyone that’s ever been to a show, heard a song, sang one word, like anybody that had anything to do with the band. For us to keep having this continuous support is just crazy!”

SAYONARA IS OUT NOW while investigat­ing an abandoned moon base, before travelling down to the planet to confront his destiny.”

Coupled with some of the most warped and psychedeli­c death metal ever committed to tape, Cryptic Shift are truly pan-dimensiona­l sonic warriors. And they’ve seen things.

“Members of this band have witnessed the unexplaine­d”, Ryan confirms. “Keep your eyes on the sky. They’re here. The truth is out there.”


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