Metal Hammer (UK)



ICE Cold Fact: At some point you will realize that worrying

about OTHER people’s business..

Does absolutely NOTHING positive for YOUR life.. At all. Ice T (@FINALLEVEL)

It is a pleasure to sing on the new @whileshesl­eeps song, Nervous. Love those boys. Check it out right now. It’s fucking bangin’!xxx

Simon Neil (@Biffyclyro)

From now on, all concerts will be 1000% out of body experience­s.

Everyone in attendance must rock like there is no tomorrow. Deal? Alissa White-gluz (@Awhitegluz)

Tell you what, nothing brings you out of a guitar-rut like learning some @gloryhamme­r

Serena Cherry (@whatacoolf­ridge)

I’m fascinated with the ridiculous names of suburban developmen­ts. Most sound like horror movies. Nearby us, there is a planned community called “King’s Contrivanc­e.” Neil Fallon (@npfallon)

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