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EL C reckons the only difference between a Spice Girl and a drag queen is that the glam fellas are less uptight divas.

Sporty Spice plans to go solo after her triumphant reunion with the Spices, and will swap trainers for stilettos in new track High Heels.

‘People have asked, “What’s the difference with touring with the Spice Girls and the drag queens?” I said, “Not much, really. Big hair, big shoes, lots of make-up. There’s less divas in the drag queens”,’ she quipped.

Sporty, 45, also told Guilty Pleasures about her global Pride tour with London performers Sink The Pink, and said: ‘I wanted to do a song for and inspired by them.’ She was backed by the drag troupe at Brazil Pride this year, in defiance of the country’s new right-wing government.

‘For me, it feels like a small way of being able to repay the thanks (to the Spice Girls’ gay fans),’ she said.

‘In Brazil, it’s a difficult time. The new president has extreme views about homosexual­ity. They (the fans) were very grateful I was there to support the community.’ Mel, who has battled self-esteem and mental ill-health in the past, says the show gave her a morality boost.

‘The thing I was most surprised that I got out of this experience was further self-acceptance. It just reinforces that we are all different but need the same thing,’ she said. The I Turn To You singer is also ready to jump at the chance to work with Billie Eilish after the US chart sen sensation revealed Mel is her ido idol and made contact.

‘W ‘We are in touch. I went to see her at Shepherd’s Bush Em Empire,’ she said.

‘It’s so sweet; Billie’s love of the Spice Girls really co comes from her parents. Sh She is so young. Her dad is a Sporty Spice fan... she inh inherited that from him. But she is an incredible artist. My gosh, I would work with her at the drop of a hat.’

Mel hinted at a collab with Billie Eilish

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