Metro (UK)



FORMER first minister of Scotland Alex Salmond appeared in court yesterday accused of sexually assaulting ten different women – including a charge of attempted rape.

The attempted rape is alleged to have happened at Bute House in Edinburgh – the official residence of Scotland’s first minister – in June 2014.

The ex-SNP leader, who faced 14 charges, is alleged to have pinned his victim against a wall and removed her clothes and his own, before pushing her onto a bed and lying naked on top of her.

Salmond appeared at Edinburgh’s High Court yesterday accused of one count of attempted rape, 11 of sexual assault – including one with intent to rape – and two of indecent assault.

His lawyer, Gordon Jackson QC, said he denied all charges.

The charges span the period between 2008 and 2014 when Salmond was Scotland’s most powerful politician.

Outside court after the hearing, he said he would defend himself ‘vigorously’.

The former MP, 64, told reporters: ‘We’ve launched our defence statement. It pleads not guilty to all charges and explains some of the circumstan­ces in which they’ve come about.

‘I’m also conscious we’re in the middle of a General Election campaign. I’m not going to say anything which would influence that democratic process.’

As well as the attempted rape charge, Salmond is accused of sexually assaulting a woman with intent to rape in 2013 by forcing her on to his bed then pulling up her dress.

It is also alleged he indecently assaulted a woman by kissing her mouth and touching her breasts and bottom through her clothes on various occasions around Glasgow in 2008.

The sexual assault charges include one where he allegedly took off a woman’s shoe and tried to kiss her foot.

In September 2014 – three months after the alleged attempted rape – Salmond is said to have grabbed a woman by her shoulders at Bute House, repeatedly kissed her face and touched her leg.

Judge Lady Dorrian scheduled the trial to begin on March 9. It is expected to last around four weeks.

 ?? AFP/GETTY ?? Denial: Alex Salmond leaving Edinburgh’s High Court yesterday. He is accused of sexually assaulting ten women
AFP/GETTY Denial: Alex Salmond leaving Edinburgh’s High Court yesterday. He is accused of sexually assaulting ten women

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