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WIMBLEDON teenager Nesta GuinnessWa­lker should be used to performing on the big stage – his great grandad was the legendary actor Sir Alec Guinness.

Being related to the Star Wars thespian gave Nesta a real kick as a child. Guinness-Walker, whose mum Sally is also an actress, says: ‘As a kid it was one of the most watched films ever.

‘I enjoyed that growing up, so it was a bit of an added bonus when my mum told me he was actually part of my family. We are all proud of that.

‘Unfortunat­ely he passed when I was one so it wasn’t that I had a strong relationsh­ip with him.’

But the left-back has no intention of switching to a life on the boards and is delighted to have a chance to shine at his local club.

‘I always had a knack for football and that was always something I wanted to pursue,’ he adds. ‘I am blessed to have the opportunit­y to do something I have a passion for – to play football every day for a living.’

Guinness-Walker relates to his club’s underdog status after coming up the hard way himself. He had spells at Chelsea as an eight-year-old and at Tottenham at 11, but was twice spurned.

He said: ‘Because it was such a young age it didn’t take such a toll but of course you are disappoint­ed. You step out of those facilities and that quality of coaching back into Sunday league but I always had that focus that when the time comes, I would step up.’

With nothing doing at the profession­al level, he ended up at Esher Wizards before joining Met Police.

He played for the Ryman Premier League club against Newport County in the first round of the FA Cup last season and that gave him his first taste of the big time.

He said: ‘We had a great run. We had to play in four qualificat­ion rounds before we reached that first round. It was a tight game, we played a profession­al outfit and gave them a good run for their money.’

Guinness-Walker took on a job as a coach while at the Surrey semi-profession­al outfit. ‘I had a job on the side to put petrol in my car. It was a part-time job so I could focus on my football.

‘After the FA Cup game we were making a bit of noise. A few scouts came down to watch me.’

Growing up in nearby Twickenham, the Wombles were a great fit for the 19-year-old when they came calling in the summer. He adds: ‘Every local person around knows the story of Wimbledon. I played for Kingstonia­n, who used to ground share with them.

‘I have known Wimbledon’s story from a young age. Being a local boy it would have been hard to turn down an offer to play for such a club.’

However Wimbledon, who recently replaced Wally Downes as manager with Glyn Hodges, another former player, are fighting for their League One lives for the second year running.

Guinness-Walker said: ‘We have demands of each other and ourselves and we knew we were not performing to the level the club deserves. Hopefully we can get some momentum.

‘We have great quality in the squad. Everyone is fighting for positions. We push each other in training to make sure we are demanding the best out of each other. And we have a great camaraderi­e, which is always a help.’

The Dons have an epic homecoming planned for next season as they move back into home borough Merton after 17 years in neighbouri­ng Kingston.

‘Everyone is buzzing about the new stadium,’ says Guinness-Walker. ‘That will really give us more atmosphere. More fans can get down to watch us.’

On the here and now, he adds: ‘It is easy to wake up every day knowing I am coming in to do what I love and what I have dreamed of doing. This is still new to me.

‘Every kid dreams of being a profession­al footballer and once you have the opportunit­y you need to keep hold of that for as long as you can.’

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 ??  ?? Starring roles: Guinness-Walker in action for AFC Wimbledon and (above) his legendary grandad Alec in his role as Obi-Wan Kenobi in Star Wars
Starring roles: Guinness-Walker in action for AFC Wimbledon and (above) his legendary grandad Alec in his role as Obi-Wan Kenobi in Star Wars

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