Metro (UK)


- by Patrick Arundell Libra

Aries Mar 21 – Apr 20

Is there work ongoing that you haven’t finished? If so, this might be clogging up the pipeline and bringing a sense of underlying stress, especially if you’re facing delays. Delegate what you can and consider simplifyin­g your schedule.

For your forecast, call 0906 474 0410 (60p/min)

Taurus Apr 21 – May 21

Even if progress is slow regarding a plan, keeping your focus on the outcome you desire could help you make headway, even if it is at a slower pace. Chatting with friends might allow you to unwind and let any issues float away.

For your forecast, call 0906 474 0411 (60p/min)

Gemini May 22 – Jun 21

The Moon’s face-off with Pluto can amplify emotions, making them more intense, and could be why you’re inclined to be defensive when discussing sensitive issues. Greater security might help you regain control over money.

For your forecast, call 0906 474 0412 (60p/min)

Cancer Jun 22 – Jul 23

With Neptune very much in the mix, it helps to get your priorities sorted out so that the coming days don’t slip by. Has someone made you an offer? A powerful MoonPluto aspect could find you questionin­g their motives. Wait a while.

For your forecast, call 0906 474 0413 (60p/min)

Leo Jul 24 – Aug 23

Lunar ties to Neptune and Pluto suggest you could be lulled into a false sense of security that gives way to greater urgency. You may feel like cocooning yourself away but the better option might be to deal with it.

For your forecast, call 0906 474 0414 (60p/min)

Virgo Aug 24 – Sep 23

If you’ve cooked up a scheme with another, it may be in need of a reality check. This might come from friends who will likely have no qualms about telling you what they think. Some analysis might reveal a flaw.

For your forecast, call 0906 474 0415 (60p/min)

Sep 24 – Oct 23

No matter how much you want something to happen, the likelihood of it may be far less than envisioned. If you pursue an ideal scenario, the chances are that it will come out nothing like you imagine. Work with what is to hand and you may be surprised.

For your forecast, call 0906 474 0416 (60p/min)

Scorpio Oct 24 – Nov 22

A desire to spend money to compensate for other issues could increase. Target this impulse towards something you need and this way you will have invested wisely. If you desire a treat then make it something small but nice that can fulfil a craving.

For your forecast, call 0906 474 0417 (60p/min)

Sagittariu­s Nov 23 – Dec 21

An idea may sparkle with potential and it could seem crazy not to go for it. You might be under an illusion. though, even if it is a pleasant one. Step back and listen to your instincts as they may have a different story to tell.

For your forecast, call 0906 474 0418 (60p/min)

Capricorn Dec 22 – Jan 20

You may be better to deal with a personal situation by showing compassion rather than reacting in kind. Still, if feelings intensify then it can be tempting to say it like it is. A chat could bring to light new informatio­n, putting a different slant on the matter.

For your forecast, call 0906 474 0419 (60p/min)

Aquarius Jan 21 – Feb 19

You may find it hard to focus if the past intrudes and brings intense feelings with it. This could be down to a powerful Moon-Pluto link that might trigger emotions you thought you’d already dealt with.

For your forecast, call 0906 474 0420 (60p/min)

Pisces Feb 20 – Mar 20

Whether you excel at an art or craft, getting involved could help channel energy that might otherwise be directed at a frustratin­g tiff. Bear in mind that what seems so urgent today can fade into insignific­ance.

For your forecast, call 0906 474 0421 (60p/min)

For a live one-to-one consultati­on with one of my gifted psychics, call 0906 176 4747 or 0800 067 4747 to book using credit card. Too busy to call? Then text a psychic: Text STARS to 84155 (£1.50 per text plus SNC)

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