Metro (UK)


- by Patrick Arundell

Aries Mar 21 – Apr 20

Present influences suggest that although a letter, call or email may come as a surprise, it could contain the seed of an opportunit­y. The Sun-Venus merger suggests you might see someone in a new light. No bad thing.

For your forecast, call 0906 474 0410 (60p/min)

Taurus Apr 21 – May 21

You may get insights into how you can increase your cash flow, perhaps by selling items online you no longer use or by actively marketing your skills. If you can use social media to boost your efforts, then so much the better.

For your forecast, call 0906 474 0411 (60p/min)

Gemini May 22 – Jun 21

The Sun’s link with Venus can encourage you to consider a makeover or perhaps to purchase some new clothes via the internet. Go for it, especially if you’ve an online interview or other virtual occasion.

For your forecast, call 0906 474 0412 (60p/min)

Cancer Jun 22 – Jul 23

If you could make sense of an issue, doing so might reduce tension, leaving you less stressed and better able to get on with things. With Mercury linking to Uranus, you might need to look at it from a different perspectiv­e to get the answers you need. For your forecast, call 0906 474 0413 (60p/min)

Leo Jul 24 – Aug 23

It may be helpful not to take what others say too seriously. With restless influences showing up, whatever is decided could so easily change. Nothing is set in stone and even though someone might make a firm promise, it could be retracted. For your forecast, call 0906 474 0414 (60p/min)

Virgo Aug 24 – Sep 23

Expect the unexpected, as your day may not go as planned. You will need to be flexible and adaptable to handle the calls, mini dramas and tiffs that could occur under this edgy influence. Yet good things might emerge from this.

For your forecast, call 0906 474 0415 (60p/min)

Libra Sep 24 – Oct 23

With an edgy aspect stirring up deep-seated issues around survival, it would be so easy to give in to a sense of futility and decide there is no way out. Tomorrow, a solution could be spotlighte­d by the Eclipse.

For your forecast, call 0906 474 0416 (60p/min)

Scorpio Oct 24 – Nov 22

If you’ve had words with someone, now is the time to extend the hand of friendship and let them know that whatever happened, it’s all in the past. A harmonious Sun-Venus link suggests this can be the perfect time for reaching a compromise.

For your forecast, call 0906 474 0417 (60p/min)

Sagittariu­s Nov 23 – Dec 21

The current planetary backdrop encourages you to trust your instincts. This can be especially so concerning a friendship you may be keen to take further. You might not know why this feels so right but it does.

For your forecast, call 0906 474 0418 (60p/min)

Capricorn Dec 22 – Jan 20

There could be conflictin­g demands on your time and you might get little done if you spread yourself too thin. Demands could be par for the course today but if you keep your focus on your top priority, you will begin to inch ahead.

For your forecast, call 0906 474 0419 (60p/min)

Aquarius Jan 21 – Feb 19

The planets can encourage you to make more of the talents you were born with and to ignore those who might criticise you for doing so. The current backdrop could tempt you to strike out in a new direction and explore new options.

For your forecast, call 0906 474 0420 (60p/min)

Pisces Feb 20 – Mar 20

Reaching an agreement or hearing someone make you a promise might mean nothing as circumstan­ces could change in a flash today. It might be wise to have a few alternativ­e options on the side in case the plans fall through.

For your forecast, call 0906 474 0421 (60p/min)

For a live one-to-one consultati­on with one of my gifted psychics, call 0906 176 4747 or 0800 067 4747 to book using credit card. Too busy to call? Then text a psychic: Text STARS to 84155 (£1.50 per text plus SNC)

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