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SIXTY SECONDS With Elizabeth Tan



How did you spend lockdown?

They said to stay home so I did it quite strictly because I wanted to make sure I did the right thing. I went out a maximum of once a week to buy groceries. I exercised in the living room. I was on my own because my flatmate was away. I’d veer from wondering what was going to happen and being worried to being a bit calmer and doing yoga and meditation. It was a weird time – you didn’t know what was safe.

For those who haven’t caught up, what’s The Singapore Grip about?

It’s set in Singapore during World War II and we see the fall of that colony due to incompeten­ce. Japan invaded and we totally miscalcula­ted. Winston Churchill regarded it as one of Britain’s greatest military disasters. The story is based on a satire written by a Booker award-winning novelist JG Farrell, who’s quite scathing about colonialis­m.

With the recent criticism of British history, it’s quite apt, isn’t it?

It’s always good to think about our past and learn from it and not be complacent. The Singapore Grip is about two families of colonists. We see their exploitati­on and their casual racism. We can learn from this history.

What does ‘the Singapore grip’ actually mean?

There’s mention of it being some kind of rattan basket, or a type of tropical illness. One character suggests it represents the colonial strangleho­ld on the locals. Another thinks it’s a hair clip. But there’s also talk of it being something that happens in a romantic moment. I can’t go into more details than that.

Tell us about your character…

I play Vera Chiang. She’s a Chinese refugee and very much has her own story. She’s come from a hard background. She’s an orphan. China was occupied by the Japanese and she got involved in the resistance. She arrives in Singapore, works as a nurse and a dancer, and is the love interest of Matthew Webb. The Blackett family are disgusting racists and they want their daughter Joan to marry Matthew to secure the future of their business.

What’s your own background?

I’m British but my family is Chinese with a sprinkling of Japanese. I have family in Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia and also a couple of cousins in China.

If an ex-boyfriend of one of my girlfriend­s asks me out I go, ‘No! Stay away from me!’

Weren’t you awestruck to be working with such big names as Jane Horrocks and Charles Dance?

I’m always nervous taking on a role where it’s so far away from myself and I’m acting with such talented people. Charles Dance said, ‘I bet the camera really loves you.’ He was trying to encourage me and put me at ease.

How did it feel to make your TV debut as a teenager in Doctor Who?

You don’t understand how excited I was! It was a small part, playing a soldier, but it was the biggest role of my life and it was a really good episode because it had the Daleks in it. I went to the group read-through. David Tennant was there and there was a guy doing the Daleks, saying their lines into a machine to make the voice.

Tell us about your time on Coronation Street…

I was so young and didn’t know a thing. Michelle Keegan, who played Tina McIntyre, took me under her wing. My character Xin nicked Tina’s man. I never understand these things. I’m the least likely person to nick someone’s man. If an ex-boyfriend of one of my girlfriend­s asks me out I’ll always go: ‘No! Stay away from me!’ As an actor you have to love your character and stand up for them so I had to make it that it was such a strong connection, she just couldn’t help it.

What are your hobbies?

I do a lot of rock-climbing. I actually had a massive fear of heights so I did rockclimbi­ng to try to get over it. I think it’s helped me to be less scared.

We hear you’re also a bit of a comedian…

Comedy improvisat­ion is my big thing. There’s a comedy improvisat­ion company in Los Angeles called The Groundling­s where a lot of comedy stars have started – Will Ferrell, Melissa McCarthy and Kristen Wiig all trained there. As a student you go through different levels and if you don’t pass, you get kicked out. Once you get to the advanced level, which is where I am now, you get to do some performanc­es.

How do you stay fit?

I do something called Wing Chun Kung Fu. It was the first martial art Bruce Lee learnt. I’ve been doing it since I was five.

You must be pretty good at it…

You want to have a fight? I always joke around with my friends and if people are giving them a hard time when we’re out, I say: ‘Do you want to step outside?’ It gives me confidence and makes me feel like I can manage things.

The Singapore Grip is on ITV at 9pm on Sundays

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. Martial artist:. . Bruce Lee.
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. Co-star:. Tan hung out. with Daleks on. Doctor Who.
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