Metro (UK)



- With Robert James-Collier INTERVIEW BY GABRIEL TATE

What is your new Netflix series, Fate: The Winx Saga, about?

It’s Harry Potter meets Gossip Girl and if Netflix don’t agree with that descriptio­n, then it’s too late, I’ve said it. It’s a fantasy drama based on a cartoon, set in the world of Alfea, where there are fairies with powers and specialist­s who don’t have powers. Those two worlds meet at a school. It’s a magical series but it’s quite dark and it resonates with our world too – people fall in and out of love, they’ve got phones and social media, there are dark forces and mysterious threats.

Your character, Saul Silva, is a ‘specialist headmaster’, which sounds pretty cool. He’s been described – not by me – as ‘dashing’. He’s the headmaster of the specialist­s, these master swordsmen who are Alfea’s version of the marines. They don’t have magic but they have to protect Alfea and the school from the threat of these reawakened beasts, the Burned Ones.

Did you do lots of weapons training?

God, yeah. It was a nightmare. I’m 44. I make noises when I get up, I make noises when I sit down. The younger lads had been there a week before me so I walked into a room of young, fit, good-looking lads doing somersault­s and karate kicks, and thought, ‘My God, what have I got myself into?’ I had to crack on as best I could. My body double, Mark, who doubled for Kit Harington on Game Of Thrones, was teaching me a spinning kick and I was like, ‘My hip won’t let me get my leg any higher!’ I wasn’t a natural but I enjoyed it!

Could you handle yourself in a fight now?

With a lot of editing, multiple cameras and a hefty dose of CGI, sure! I can do one spin with a sword to make people go, ‘He’s pretty good,’ but after that I’d probably drop said sword or poke myself in the eye. The Americans would describe him as badass, I imagine, and if that goes viral, I can’t stop that. If they want to make Saul Silva a global icon, then so be it.

Winx fans are a pretty dedicated bunch. What were your own teenage obsessions?

I was an indie kid when the Stone Roses and Happy Mondays were coming through so I loved the Madchester scene. I loved The Young Ones as well, that show tore up the rulebook. And I did like playing a bit of Street Fighter II. I’d say Saul Silva is the natural evolution of Ryu and Ken.

I wasn’t a success as a model but there was an exceptiona­l camping special in Makro Mail

Is the Downton fandom a scarier prospect?

I’m not on social media so I don’t know how Winx fans reacted to me being involved but the Downton lot are keen as mustard, very loyal and passionate. They do all sorts of Tumblr threads, portraits of their favourite characters, fan fiction and stuff.

Have you read the fan fiction?

My mates have. They read some of it to me but I didn’t want to know. The mind boggles.

You had a lovely vignette in the Downton movie. Do you think Thomas will get a happy ending eventually? Well, the rumour is that another Downton movie is coming in the distant future. I can neither confirm nor deny that but I’d love to be part of it. If they do it, let’s hope Thomas has a cheerier story for once. He just needs to set up a nice Airbnb in the Grantham estate, a few cottages to rent out.

Did you ever consider ditching acting for modelling? There’s a nice picture of you with a pocket calculator in an Argos catalogue…

Ha! The modelling was a means to an end to allow me time to audition. I wasn’t a success, if I’m honest, but there was an exceptiona­l camping special in Makro Mail where I took modelling to new heights. I worked that gas stove.

Did you ever keep any of the clobber?

I got a pair of underpants once but I think that’s because they didn’t want them back…

What remaining ambitions do you have?

I have zero ambition. I’m quite chilled out about it, I go with the flow. I didn’t have grand objectives when I got into it and haven’t developed any since. The best thing is to take it with a pinch of salt and know that when you’ve got a job, you’re in a privileged position.

What’s next?

We’ve just finished a series of Ackley Bridge, which I’m very proud of – it tells a lot of stories that are under-represente­d on TV. It’s funny and heartbreak­ing. And we’ll see how Fate goes. I think it’s got something different. There have been a lot of stories about witches, wizards and vampires but not much fairy magic. Hopefully they’d ask me to be on board again. They’d be mad not to, let’s be honest.

Fate: The Winx Saga starts on Netflix on Friday

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 ??  ?? . Rebel: Rik Mayall. . in The Young Ones.
. Rebel: Rik Mayall. . in The Young Ones.
 ??  ?? Adored: Stone. Roses’ Ian Brown.
Adored: Stone. Roses’ Ian Brown.

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